Picking, Lots of Picking - Tuesday

in OCD4 years ago

I delivered my largest order of beans yesterday, a total of 123 pounds of mixed color beans all bagged in half pound bags. Feels really nice to have all of them sold and out of the cooler. Especially since the plants are producing so well. Once I got back from the delivery I got the squash picked, 32 for sale and a couple that had to come in the house for use since they aren't exactly saleable.


While picking in the pole beans I got to the end of one row and saw this spider in its web. Just below it is one of the wires that runs through a hole in the post. The spider darts back into the hole when I hit the web. I saw numerous webs like this along the rows. They love the cover and are doing great eating all the bugs.


Piled as high as I could get them the first bucket got me just under 10 pounds. The second bucket full of the same rows gave me 8 pounds.


After getting the boys their lunch I was out in the main garden picking the Roc D'Or and Compass beans. I just was able to make it through the row without having to empty the bucket. This gave me 9 pounds of yellow and green mixed.


The cucs gave me another 19 for the day. This puts me up to over 85 in the cooler. I am hoping they all go for Friday. We still have about 20 in the fridge in the house for us.


I need to list this for sale. I have a number of New Zealand Spinach plants growing and they are getting huge. The plant is a lot more succulent than regular spinach but has a semi similar taste. I liken it more to the Malabar Spinach over the standard.


Cooler is filling fast with more beans. I have about 60 pounds picked now after the last picking of the day.


Even though it was hot in the afternoon I still got out and picked on the Jade rows. I made it about 2/3 of the way down the row set before I filled the bucket full. I was hot and had been picking most of the day so I called it good. The bucket weighed over 11 pounds, from 2/3 of the 2 rows.


Today I am picking as per usual and I have to go buy bird feed since tomorrow morning we are getting the next batch of meat birds in the mail.

For more information about our farm:
Fleming Family Farm
Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
All images are original works of Fleming Family Farm unless otherwise notated and credited.

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Those stacks of beans in your cooler is the most beantacular image ever! There’s something so satisfying about harvest, even if one’s carcass feels a bit overwrought during the season, lol. Hope you enjoy the cooler weather today:)

The rain this morning was a bit of a surprise. I had to run around and cover things and gather tools that shouldn't get wet. Ahh, the PNW and our weather.