Hello everyone welcome to my blog where you get improved as you read along, i still remain your lovely host @lordwealth, giving you the juice with words.
So today i am gonna be sharing a very interesting insightful topic with you, now i made use of the adjective interesting because we are talking about the one phenomena that drives the whole of existence crazy and that is money

Money is the centre of attraction in the present world in which we live in, we all at one point or the other dream and aspire of amassing a great lot of it, men with loads of money have ruled this world, money to some extent is tantamount to power, irrespective of how humble and moral we might think of ourselves money is still one of/if not the major drives in our vision, dreams and ideas, we see profitability in any venture we are involved in with respect to the monetary value. Yet am here to declare to you that money is not real.

Money is a deception and a distraction in the world. Not many realise this, but it’s the truth. Right from creation, there was no such thing as money. Money was an evolution; money was a means of adaptation designed and implemented by mankind, the world didn’t start out with money. But today, we act like money “fell” from heaven and God said, “Thou must use money.” But it’s not so. Lets bring this into perspective so we can easily understand this deception: when you deposit money in the bank, you’re aware that there’s no special store created to store the money, with your name on every bill. Where then is all the money that the bank is keeping for you? They only have a record against your name in figures as proof that you have money there. That should tell you something: money is an illusion; it exists only in the mind of the poor.

Believe me when i say this Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency is a perfect example and eye opener to the illusion of money that has held a lot of people down, what we have as money today are just strings of records, records that change according to how the algorithm deems it fit, call it the revolution or evolution of money, it futher proves the unreality of the money fad, check this out, the big deals of major companies, at the signing of the contract, how often do you see paper money exchange hands. Money only exist in the mind of the poor, it was implemented to keep you at bay, it was designed to give you a mindset, now you see your possibilities based on the recorded data appearing on your bank account or you calculate your capacity based on the amount of notes you can count in your bag, purse or wallets.
How pitiable. The mass has been reduced to think that money is thier salvation and thus they are made to work for it all the days of thier lives and yet it eludes them. They are cut in the rat race.

What then is the reality??
Understand this Your real quality and value have nothing to do with the bills in your pocket, accounts, crypto wallets/addresses or safe-deposit box. If you can build, not your bank accounts, but your mind and your heart—the quality of your personality—it’ll control how much money responds to you.
I will reemphasize that, the quality of your personality(your heart and mind) is a determining factor to how money responds to you.

Take your mind beyond money and focus on God’s purpose. The creators purpose for your life is that no matter what happens to the financial systems and operations of the world, you’ll always win.
Invest in discovering your purpose and fufilling it, invest in your mind to become a man or a woman of value, when you do that you become bigger than inflation and the economy of the nation where you live.
You become bigger than this world! You now realize what it means to own the world. Believe this and you’d be free from the power and intimidation of money. Your dream in life shouldn’t be where to get money or how to get money. The first and most vital element is your mind.
Invest in your mind so much that it produces nothing short but excellence, and when you become a person of exellence, then you become truly valuable.
Put your mind to work, and money will respond to you always.
Stay tuned to my blog for more educational contents, i love you, #stay safe

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