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RE: You Don't Play The Adoption Victim Card on Hive While Being Downvoted! My Thoughts on CryptoFinally Vs XXXXX Drama

in OCD5 years ago

The unpleasant comments can be ignored by muting the abuser if over growing through the abuse is hard.

It is not easy to easily over grow abuse to the extent of being immune to them,but it is possible.

The rewards being removed can be counted by other people upvoting your content, she had many people who used to upvote her, but they stopped after realizing that she might have needed just attention or just whining(go and read the comments on her post, people tried)

It is true it is rude for someone to hurt abusive words at you,but it is how the world is sir/madam.

The world is fucked up, the more we remember that the we cannot control what what will be said(replied) to us, but only control how we respond the more we shall live a happy life!!

The only person we can control is us and not the world especially on social media.
Thanks for replying back.


Agreed and it seems her choice is the same as mine.

Adoption while that is allowed seems unlikely.

You all have every right to do what you want and accept what you want...

And others have the right to say, yeah, I don't wish to tolerate that behavior or invest in that project and move on. As thousands before have done and will continue to do.

You are right, it's just a matter of choices.

You attention seeking bimbo cunt, should just hush about it though, cause you aren't helping. :) kidding, but also not.

We just have to remember that the conditions will not always be right for us.
Mainstream social media like Facebook and Twitter have similar behaviors, but they have insane number of users.