Introducing myself

in OCD4 years ago

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Greetings fellow Hiveans readers thanks for giving me the opportunity of introducing myself to you.I am a well-travelled South African, living in Madrid.

How would my friends describe me? Kind, generous, opinionated, funny, clumsy and procrastinating. Quite a collection of adjectives there but I think a fairly accurate description of me.

Generally speaking, I always try to see the positive in any situation. Life is difficult enough without making light of challenging times.

I love to write but unfortunately due to being a huge procrastinator, a gene I inherited from my Dad I rarely get around to it. I signed up to a Hive account two years ago wrote one article, and then never wrote again.

I have decided to take another plunge into the "Hivean Ocean" and write again.

I hope you enjoy my random observations on the wonderful journey that life is that I am blessed to share with @flores39 (more about her later) for bringing so much "colour" to my life.

Murray steem signature.gif

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