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RE: The Hive Engagement League 🏆

in OCD4 years ago

Right, whatever you like to do, you'll find a community and other people here which do the same. And everyday you can learn something new - somebody always shows or tells something you haven't known before 🙂

As long as the delivery service works I'll send !BEER 😉


Oh yes! That's what I love about it here. You can find your niche easily with many communities around. 😊 It's easy to learn from somebody, especially that the platform is international. And I am even amazed that somebody learns from my blog, when all I was talking about is the everyday life here! Hahaha! 😂 Amazing! 😍

Good morning @gingbabida 🙂
we share our experiences and knowledge and we learn from each other - that's what I find great here too 👍😀
Have a great day.

Cheers and !BEER

Thank you. I'm glad that you are learning from me too, but really I hold the long end of the stick in our exchange of conversation. 😊 Thank you so much! ❤


Cheers and !BEER

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Hey @gingbabida, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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