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RE: Some thoughts on why we need to fix the cross-posting function

in OCD2 years ago

That's not entirely correct with the Leo Finance posting because if it was gaming with a finance aspect then you could use the Leo Finance tag. We don't want people abusing things which is an interesting example you have raised considering OCD has an issue with me when all I have done is follow the contests and joined the communities asked. Now we're promoting abuse?

I do, however like your idea of cross posting and I have never understood why it was null rewards and didn't just go back to the original post. Although we do have tags and perhaps it would be easier to expand that feature to enable the post to show in all tags in the post. I think at the moment it is only the first 6?


why it was null rewards and didn't just go back to the original post.

no that one is quite obvious why it shouldn't work that way cause you could have same voters voting double/triple on the same post.