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RE: My engagement strategy on Hive this year

in OCD3 years ago

Your engagement is fantastic and I appreciate all the opportunities you have created for the rest of us to engage! I do a lot of inane comments thanking people for posting into my communities or entering contests, but feel that it is necessary to be polite and make everyone feel welcome and included.
Keep giving us reasons to create posts and engage! You are good at it!



See what I mean about I suck at engagement! I forget to check comments Melinda. So sorry 😬

I appreciate you always dropping by, both to my posts and to many others that I see on Hive. Without which Hive would be such a lonely place

I can't always keep up with comments. I used to be able to comment on all the Feathered Friends and Shadow Hunters posts, but as the communities have grown it has become much more difficult to do much more than vote and tip all of them!