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RE: Legacy: The Compensation Against Death

in OCD • last year

Hi. 😊 It's been quite a while. Glad to be back again. 😅

To be honest, I really do not have a definite answer to that at the moment. I won't say I have a clear vision yet, but I know I'm very passionate about helping people in whatever way I can and that passion influences most of my decisions.

So, if there's anything I'd love to be remembered for, I think it'll be my willingness to always help in situations.

And of course, it does sound cliché, but that's the best answer I can come up with for now. I do believe that as time goes by and I become older, everything will begin to take shape and I'll start to see things with more clarity.

What about you? What would you like to leave behind?


Oh gosh. You sound SO much like me. So much. No wonder we get along so well.

I have to ask you something. Have you ever heard of Human Design? I really want to see your birth chart to see how similar we are!

If you haven't heard of it, the best way I can explain it that might make sense to you is that God had a plan for all of us. He created each of us in a very particular way to do certain things in this life to help humanity.

Human Design shows us what we are supposed to do and who we are in this life to help us live out God's plan. To use this tool it starts with getting your free birth chart. It won't make a lot of sense to you but I know a lot about it and I can tell you things about you based on your chart.

Would you be willing to look up your Human Design chart so I can look at it? I would love that!

You will need your date of birth, location you were born (nearest big city is best) AND ideally your exact time of birth.

Do you know these? Are you comfortable looking up your chart?

(If you're worried about online security then you can look up your chart and cover the birth details before sharing the picture with me here).

If you want to look it up go to and click on the thing that says "Free Chart" and then just put in your details!

(And I promise I'll answer your very good question in the comment above - soon - I just really want to see how similar our birth charts are!!!) 😂 !LUV

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And... I promised a proper answer to your question about what I would like to leave behind.

I would like to leave behind a very large group humans of all ages, many ethnicities and backgrounds who are far more empowered, aware and kind (to both themselves and others) than when I met them.

I adore educating people about how to be happier, healthier and more conscious in how they do life. I love supporting people to process the old, stuck emotions they have living in their bodies and minds after bad things have happened to them. So doing these things, together, consistently, over time with as many humans as I can sustainably reach will help me reach this goal I mentioned above.