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RE: My Introductory Post To The Hive Platfrom

in OCD3 years ago

🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 @jamerussell @heyhaveyamet @starstring01 @tripode there is a new bee in the house. Welcome to hive. The platform is an amazing place to be, this is what I will advice you, forget the reward and concentrate on developing yourself here on Hive, once you have that as your first goal on the platform, you will definitely do well, because there are a lot of wonderful persons to learn from here on Hive. Like I always say to every new bee 🐝 please make sure all of your contents are 100% unique and original, say no to plagiarism, I can preach this gospel better than anyone now on Hive, because I have taste the heat. You will do fine here I know it, and one more thing, you are never promised a Rosey garden here on the platform, there will be a little rain sometimes. I wish you the best on this journey of yours, once again, you are welcome.


Thanks @officialuroga, I really appreciate the encouragement 💓 and advice. Looking forward to learning here on hive

You're welcome