in OCD4 years ago

Hello hivers, I made my intro post some days back. Thanks for the comments and corrections, I'm glad to share my first official Post (3 HEALTHY SEX HABITS THAT KEEPS A RELATIONSHIP GOING).
Sex habits that keeps the relationship healthy and going involves the physical,emotional, mental and total wellbeing of individuals with good communication and perfect sexual plan.

Positive body physique
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Positive body physique involves "the don't fear mirror","shut down the comparison"or the assertion you deserve about your body image, regardless of shape, size or color. Be confident enough about your body when making a plan, remember sex is more about mindset as much as it's physical.

 **Making sexual plans** 

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making sexual plans with your partner like sending notes, image's, E-mail or flirtatious gesture is a great way for a healthy sex life because it keeps your partners image alive in you.
**Good communication **

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Good sex start with a good communication like what you want, how you want it, where and how to be touched by your partner and it's a key role to keep it exciting/interesting.
Conclusively, flirtatious gesture or asserting the body image you deserve is a great way to maintaining a healthy sexual relationship.thanks for Reading stick around they is more to come


¡Oh, buen día, agradables encuentros!