hi hivers!
Recent studies have shown the damning effect of cancer to the human body also with the increased rate of kidney failure, today I want to enlighten you on some natural supplements which you eat protect and preserve your body organs.
1..EYE (carrots)..
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Vitamin A which is utilize in the body is produced from beta-carotene which is gotten from carrots,they are good for lowering cholesterol level and improve vision through the conversion of light sent to the brain.
2..Kidney (kidney beans)
[Image source](medical new stody.com)
Kidneys are two bean-shaped organ which filter toxins from the blood thereby transforming the waste into urine that's why it's advisable to use the restroom when pressed to prevent kidney damage.when it comes to protecting your kidneys, eating of beans which provides protein, fibers, vitamins and minerals moderate blood sugar and help in the production of manganese, potassium and Vitamin K for the body.
3.. breast (citrus)
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oranges provides the breast especially the mammary glands with antioxidant, Beta-carotene and anti-cancer nutrients which is a major ingredient with regards to reducing the risk of cancer today.
conclusively, they is no need for uncertainty about your body organs if the natural supplements are taken regularly and in the right manner.
The cure looks like the opposite to the poison...mostly. Interesting post thanks.