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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week eight: Who were you? [Win hive for your comment]

in OCD4 years ago

Who were you?

Well, to tell the truth. I never thought or felt as if I had past lifes or as if I was someone else or anything different to what I am now or to what I've always been since a good chunk of decades ago. Yeah, I am merely an odd collection of vivid events and experiences that I've been going through since the middle of the past century when I landed on this planet for the first time. };)

And yes, I would have to confess also, that during all these years I've been the proud owner of an almost eidetic memory. Interesting attribute that fortunately I still conserve in good shape even nowadays. So nope. I don't think that at some point in eons ago I've been someone else. Otherwise I would remember it. ;)

However, and just for the sake of this contest and in the name of community engagement. Let's throw to the rodeo a few clues of what I think I have always been and still I am.

In first place, let me drive you to an old story that I wrote as a short summary of my life which I engraved in the immutable blockchain 4 years ago. You just will have to Click Here to have a close notion of who I think I was and I am.

Then and as an extremely short summary and close depiction of what I think I am. A simple picture/illustration that is worth a thousand words.

And last but not least. An audiovisual version of this story dedicated to all those peeps here who always suffer of balls ache each time they have to READ something.

In conclusion. Who was I?

Well, you tell me! Perhaps and we could even agree and coincide on the term, the concept, the adjective or the label that you would award me. But for now I think I will insist on believing that I simply am and have always been what the title of the video indicates. :)



Well, I guess based on the video (which is quite cute actually) an oddity could be who you were. Although, an individual could also describe you. The easy answer is an alien but that feels too generic considering I'm not aware of what those others were transported to Earth in the stork-craft were sent to Earth for; Maybe all different reasons making alien an altogether too generic a term to describe you. All alien, to Earthlings, so the same, but all also very different perhaps. Maybe.

Anyway, that's about all I got right now. Thanks for entering, much appreciated.


Although, an individual could also describe you.

Yep I agree, an individual. Yup, that could easily also describe me. Especially if we take the concept of 'individual' within the context of those who like me are experts in monologues & veterans in soliloquies that spend most of the time of our life only talking & arguing with ourselves exclusively. LoL

Anyway, that's about all I got right now. Thanks for entering, much appreciated.

Always a great pleasure my friend. :)

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Hello @por500bolos,

Wow! Today you have taught me a word that I did not know, far from it, I imagined people with this ability. Thank you for contributing one more grain to knowledge that never ceases to amaze me.

Yes ... I took a few minutes to read about the great revelation that Mr. Antonio gave you at such an early age, that I change your perception of the world based on the understanding of nothing and its repercussions on how you see and understand death, to the point of freeing you from associated fears.

I will have time to reflect on this, visualizing it as in the cycle that we live every day. Suppose there is transmigration of the soul, what use would it be, if we hardly remember the lives we lead in our own dreams every night. In this sense, we are born and die every day in a limited cycle that will eventually become exhausted. The atheist is a fatalist, and the believer is an optimist; in the end who loses or wins more. Nothing matters, just live with intensity.

Thank you @janaveda! :)

Yeah, it's indeed a pretty ancient story early in my life. A pity that that old post couldn't attract more eyes to delight and more brains to enlight with what in my opinion has been a transcendental knowledge.

But that's what life is. You can't teach to everyone the arcane mysteries of life in one fell swoop anymore. };)

P.S. Y sí paisano, no te he respondido en español a ver si ahora al menos te enseño un pelín de mi temible spanglish. Hahahaha ...erm... I mean... Jajajaja :D

Un spanglish muy fluido e interesante por cierto. Quien quita, en un futuro tome un rumbo propio dando origen a un nuevo idioma.

Mucho éxito paisano... los ojos llegarán en la medida en que estén dispuestos a ver lo trascendental.