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RE: The value of content

in OCD2 years ago

"Influencers" ¿Influencers? ¡Influencers! Bring influencers with a large following to Hive!

Sheesh! I really don't know where that mindset came from that luring & bring onboard external big personalities and known influencers with a large following to Hive was going to be of any benefit to the platform, its users, stakeholders and to the entire ecosystem as a whole. Especially when most of them would already be getting 10x or 100x more the intellectual satisfactions, massages to their egos and monetary rewards somewhere else out there where they are already clearly established?

I'd bet $100 bills against pennies that if I would bother to convince and bring onboard to Hive to Jesus Christ Himself, I have no doubt he'd end up crucified anyway. };)