romandoesthings cross-posted this post in OCD 2 years ago

My wife doesn't think her hand made Advent wreath is anything special, but I disagree and want everyone to see

in Hive Diy2 years ago

My wife made this Advent wreath almost entirely from scratch, and I absolutely love the result:

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She collected the pine cones during our forest walks, always with a watchful eye looking for good specimens, and we spent a lovely afternoon collecting the walnuts last summer (much more than ended up on the wreath, of course). She then spent another afternoon with her glue gun, making this.

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While content with the result, she doesn't think it's anything special and is too humble to post it, thinking nobody will care, but I think it's awesome and want the world to see, so I took these pictures and want to show you :-) (I did get permission to post her work).

I hope you enjoy it too :-)

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