Good points!
Content is indeed worthless if it doesn't receive any views, inbound or outbound. And even if it does receive views, 5 seconds views are considered to be bad according to our Search Engines, who make it possible for others to find our content while searching on Google for example. Having a good keyword density in our posts is something to be considered just as valuable when writing blog posts.
This PeakD feature is something I use to see how genuine my posts do, regardless of rewards. When I post links on Twitter (and I don't have a big following), it's still guessing how much traffic actually comes from doing so. But when I post on Facebook, it surely does impact the viewer count (probably because my audience over there is used to me sharing blogs from my own website on Facebook before Hive).
For me, I just found a place where I share my blogs, not persé because of rewards, but simply because it will be on the blockchain forever, and if Hive still exists after my passing, there is nothing that will censor or delete what I've written, but still will be accessible by those who wish to read it.