Very interesting.
It might be worth looking at what's behind your behavior. For example:
- Do I need to control and 'order' the world, or can I be at peace with 'mess'?
- Am I anxious or worried about 'running out of space'? Do I have a scarcity mindset?
- Do I believe life will go poorly if there's even an ounce of clutter?
- Do I believe 'empty' is better than 'full'?
Many times, we have beliefs that are driving our behavior, and if they go unlooked at, and unchanged, then the behavior will always remain until they're addressed.
Anyway, food for thought. Thanks for an interesting post. 🙏
I have had thoughts to control and order the world, but I have learnt to accept that I don't have control over what others do. I wouldn't say am anxious about space, but that do motivate me sometimes.
Thanks for Reading and I really appreciate your feedback, I would look into what triggers the behavior.
All good. Food for thought, I imagine, wishing you success in your search! :) 🙏