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RE: The value of content

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

The lack of engagement part on me, is lack of time. I always reply to comment on my posts, and invariably upvote them. Half the time I am thinking... 'I get a lot of comments because they know they will get a comment upvote'.

I get more than my fair share of rewards, but try not to post very often. I have shitloads of content but am aware of this former fact. I get my rewards 'adjusted' sometimes. Whatever.

More people on HIVE? I cross-post my shit on Facebook, purposely almost a year later as my content tends to give away access points. Explorers on there are half vandals, so I have to be careful.

They won't/don't post on HIVE as it's still too complex. The 'Logon with Facebook' option still has not happened (correct me if I am wrong).

The ones I did drag over didn't last too long, one was attacked by @hivewatchers, albeit by ignorance and received a load of DV's. She left shortly after. Her content was Facebook style which goes down badly on HIVE.

So... yes I used to try and bait people to HIVE. My footer text still dangles a carrot, and I cross-post to Twitter. Doing more is something I 'used to do'.


The 'Logon with Facebook' option still has not happened (correct me if I am wrong).

This will hopefully be an option soon, there might be a proposal in the works to create an infrastructure for all front-ends to use. More info hopefully sooner! :)

Your content does generally well with both views and engagement so no complaints from me there, but say if you did end on material for such content at some point and wanted to be a bit more "shitposty", wouldn't you consider forfeiting part of your post rewards to the DHF knowing the amount of autovotes you've been getting and may get on that post as well? Or at least start out with no self-vote, etc? (don't know if you self-vote, just an example, I don't have anything against that neither unless it's overdone)

Oh and I hope we'll get poshtoken connected to facebook in the near future as well.

material for such content at some point and wanted to be a bit more "shitposty"

Besides that 'error' I made on the running post recently, I won't ever create any shitposts. I make a point of creating something entertaining, or educational. If what's in my mind does not fit either of those criteria, it gets posted by which receives no self-votes and gains less than $5 in rewards (usually).

Or at least start out with no self-vote, etc? (don't know if you self-vote, just an example

I don't self-vote and can't remember the last time I did. Maybe 2 years ago?

This will hopefully be an option soon, there might be a proposal in the works to create an infrastructure for all front-ends to use.

I would support that proposal. Make it easy and they will use it. This is the essential key. The Facebook crowd don't like to make additional effort. They want a 'share and do all the hard work for me' button.

If they get little rewards, that little is more than the zero they get on Facebook.

'Connect via Facebook' is a big deal, and must be tough to integrate. It's been talked about for literally years but has not come to fruition.

I can create accounts, it costs me nothing. If this is implemented, I will step up my efforts.. you can count on me.

I wrote about the idea in a recent post of mine if you wanna check out some of the details called "how to prevent account creation abuse" and at the same time offer users instant access through temp accounts they can use hive and become active and earning until they earn their way to a real account or decide to buy one while then having their pending earnings transferred to it. Giving them another token has also come to mind sort of for their previous social activity. More in the works soon and hopefully it gets funded as it should benefit all frontends being opensource and of course all stakeholders.

This one? I for one would love @anidiotexplores to be able to post his stuff on HIVE.

He knows what I make, yet is not in the least interested in using HIVE. He's a typical Facebook user.., post your stuff and wait for the likes. He does respond to comments (on FB) and would be in the mindset of 'withdraw any earnings now'. His content is not exactly premium and would likely gain little.

The latter point is what we have to contend with. It is a 'magic money' but most will think this way without contributing anything. That would make it a 'scam'.

Your idea could work in the short-term. I will ask him what he thinks. We can't judge.., it needs to be the opinion of outsiders.

Not everyone needs to be an author, I'm sure we have plenty of those on Hive who force themselves to become authors cause of the rewards but I think it's improving over time, if stakeholders focused a bit more on being a bit more generous with their upvote mana on comments I think regular users could definitely make more here socializing and having fun than they would anywhere else. Maybe facebook isn't a great comparison there but the amount of time and effort people put on reddit comments just to be helpful or interesting or for some attention strangers on the internet may give them in the form of valueless internet points it really makes me curious to find out how this platform with that activity and range of people would evolve over time.

Imagine you open up a post and there's thousands of upvotes on the top comment with hundreds of $ in rewards and tens if not hundreds of replies and discussions, and hopefully also a fraction of downvotes that'd be normalized by then.

if stakeholders focused a bit more on being a bit more generous with their upvote mana on comments I think regular users could definitely make more here socializing and having fun than they would anywhere else.

I was regularly rewarding quality comments in such a way when my vote was over 5 cents and will again. I just don't want to risk it being dust 😂

if stakeholders focused a bit more on being a bit more generous with their upvote mana on comments I think regular users could definitely make more here socializing and having fun

Most can't get above the dust level, unless we are in a bull market. If @lpff or @anidiotexplores commented on my crap then I would upvote their comment, probably at a greater weight than normal. It's not a bad idea, but as you say.., many other's ignore comment voting or can't justify it.

There are not enough Orca's.

if stakeholders focused a bit more on being a bit more generous with their upvote mana on comments I think regular users could definitely make more here socializing and having fun than they would anywhere else.

Uhm yeah! now that would be a very interesting thing to analyze and definitely figure out why the hell it's not happening more often like it's supposed to be.

Giving them another token has also come to mind sort of for their previous social activity.

Why not have all of their earnings as the layer 2 token until they are official Bees? Then they can use that token to claim their account? Otherwise we might have a significant amount of Hive locked up in abandoned accounts should things really pick up?

Oh and I hope we'll get poshtoken connected to facebook in the near future as well.

awesome, this is great news and will be awesome 💃💃

You did well with @grindle!! Though I remember during his initial days, something along the lines of a grumpy old git who won't write more than a few words. If an old git can flourish like a flower on Hive, he would be the perfect example 😁 💐

Yes, he's an exception and I had to drag him back on the rails a few times. He's settled now, loves it and has done well on HIVE.

Now he just needs to do the same with another friend and then so on and so forth. :D

We did talk about it once, his target was one of those '..Oh no, you can't make money from Urbex..' old-style guys. They tend to live on and similar places. It's a strange community, divided.

Leo Finance already has a "Log in with FB & Twitter" amigo!

Log in with FB & Twitter" amigo!

What we need now is, 'Login with Facebook' and then 'Share Last Post' for non-finance content. I am doing a write-up about it now, and have asked a couple of FB people if they would use it.

The good thing is, users can join through Leo and then use all the hive dapps, it's not like they have to stick to only Leo. In the end, Leo is providing that service that could and should be used by all dapps, regardless of how they feel about Leo. Looking forward to the write up!

There is one thing missing that could make all the idle Facebook users give this a crack. Will explain in my post.

Her content was Facebook style which goes down badly on HIVE.

This is one major ish. People out there are used to web2.0 style and the transition may not come easy.

Since I know how hard it is, I try not to bring anybody to hive without proper orientation.

Since I know how hard it is, I try not to bring anybody to hive

Me to, I used to be all HIVE.., but gave up long ago.

Smiles... it is quite disappointing when the strength you used to bring someone in and teaching them doesn't show forth. I understand why people give up at a point. is doing alright. They post twitter-esque content into a community and limit post payouts. That seems to be enough to keep the downvoters away. TBH I'm totally fine with a buzz only attracting a few cents and I have a separate account for my short-content for that reason.

Half the time I am thinking... 'I get a lot of comments because they know they will get a comment upvote'.

Don't even think about doubting it bro! :D

Half the time I am thinking... 'I get a lot of comments because they know they will get a comment upvote'.

Those are the ones I wouldn't upvote😂