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RE: The value of content

in OCD2 years ago

I remember the first time I came across you, the post was something like 'middle-class' and it opened my eyes. Then at Krakow, you were some kind of godly being.., and I spoke to you for around 2 mins before you vanished somewhere with @crimsonclad heh...

@hashcash muscled me into doing a video interview at Krakow, thankfully it never hit the chain.


Yeah, we were talking at the convention center place!

you were some kind of godly being

And now, like my wife, you know better.

@hashcash muscled me into doing a video interview at Krakow, thankfully it never hit the chain.

Hashcash seems to have unfortunately disappeared. Pity. A group of us did a stream drunk from our AirBNB on the first night :D

Fortunate for me he's vanished. I don't quite know how he convinced me to do that.