Us3inCanada Spooky Halloween

in OCD10 months ago

Hi Hive Friends!

Spooky Halloween!

This was our second year celebrating Halloween in Canadian lands. And it's really cool to see how Halloween brings together communities, neighbors, children and especially adults and teenagers becoming children again and having fun together.

Halloween is one of the most traditional festivals here too, bringing a lot of activity to the market and Its origins come from Celtic rituals that inhabited Central Europe. In the past it was called “Samhaim” marking the end of summer.

Halloween comes from “All Hallows Eve”, a close translation of “All Saints Eve” (November 1st is All Saints' Day and November 2nd is All Souls' Day / Dia de los Muertos).

We had a really fun night, full of tricks and treats.

Spooky Halloween!

Este foi nosso Segundo ano celebrando o Halloween em terras canadenses. E é muito legal ver como o Halloween une as comunidades, vizinhos, criancas e principalmente adultos e adolescents virando crianca novamente e se divertindo juntos.

O Halloween é uma das festas mais tradicionais por aqui também, movimentando bastante o mercado e suas origens vem de de rituais celtas que habitavam a Europa Central. Antigamente era chamado de “Samhaim” marcando o final do verão.

Halloween vem de “All Hallows Eve”, traducao proxima de “véspera de todos os Santos” (Dia 1 de Novembro é dia de Todos os Santos e dia 02, Dia de Finados / Dia de los Muertos).

Tivemos uma noite bem divertida, cheia de doces e travessuras.

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In addition to the decorations in the houses and gardens, some more excited neighbors decorate the house like a haunted mansion, scaring visitors. Other enthusiasts play a sound to attract children and interact with them.

Others even made news by handing out 2L bottles of soda to kids! (search for the Walton family on social medias).

Let there be creativity!

Our neighborhood brings together the neighbors, they close one of the streets and the main event takes place there: an exhibition of cars like the Delorian from Back to the Future and the Ghostbusters car, “actors” dressed as zombies, Mandalorian, Batman, Medieval Knights, whatever. , everything to entertain the neighborhood, going beyond trick or treats.

Além dos enfeites nas casas e jardins, alguns vizinhos mais empolgados, decoram a casa como mansão assombrada, assustando os visitantes. Outros entusiastas colocam um som pra atrair a criançada e interagem com elas.

Outros até viraram noticia ao entregar garrafas de 2L de refrigerante pra criançada! (procurem pela familia Walton nas redes sociais).

Haja criatividade!

Nosso bairro reune os vizinhos, fecham uma das ruas e por ali acontece o evento principal: exposicao de carros como o Delorian de Back to the Future e o carro dos Ghostbusters, “atores” vestidos de zumbi, Mandalorian, Batman, Cavaleiros Medievais, enfim, tudo pra diverter a vizinhanca, indo além do trick or treats.

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The event in Auburn-bay has already become a city attraction and is considered the biggest Halloween event in Calgary! and many people come from other neighborhoods to celebrate with friends.

And despite the cold, we managed to have fun without freezing.

O evento em Auburn-bay já virou atração da cidade e é considerado o maior evento de Halloween em Calgary! e muitas pessoas vem de outros bairros celebrar com os amigos.

E apesar do frio, conseguimos nos divertir sem congelar.

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Now tell me, do you like this date?
How do you celebrate there?

Agora me conte, se vocês curtem esta data?
Como comemoram por ai?

Thanks for reading.
Leave a message, I'll be glad to share.

Newcomer family to Canada


Looks like such a blast. Awesome post, my friend. !AWESOME !ALIVE

@us3incanada! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ cryptopsycho21. (6/10)

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Thank you! appreciate your comment. yes, was a blast!!!

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