Welcome back to my blog On this occasion I will have a little opinion about the culture and customs of the Acehnese people. Yes, one of the provinces in Indonesia. A place that was shaken by a great earthquake and tsunami in 2004.
A term "Pemulia Jamee" which is defined as honoring visiting guests. Now that's the meaning of an article that I made as a big title today. Why do I adopt this custom is because the life of customs cannot be separated from the social life of the Acehnese people, they really respect their own customs.
"Pemulia Jamee" is a custom that has been implanted in the Acehnese people since their ancestors long before they existed. This custom is aimed at pampering guests who they consider people who do not come from their homes, be they relatives who come from far away or even people they do not know. Those who might just want to stop for a while or just visit their area for a tour or to enjoy a tourist destination in the village they live in.
The people of Aceh as a whole they really care about new people and of course they will be friendly to them. They also will not hesitate to invite people they just met on the streets or anywhere to be invited to visit their homes. It's not just giving them a drink or a temporary shelter. But they also will not hesitate to prepare the best dishes for their guests. Even anything that is in their kitchen will be presented by the host to their guests to pamper them to feel at home in their house. And not only that they will also be ready to help even more if their guests need other assistance. As long as they have what is needed and they get it, of course they will not hesitate to their guests.
Now that is the portrait and principles of the Acehnese people that have been inherited from their ancestors who are still very much guarded in modern social life like now. Even though in the current digital era there is a positive attitude from the people of Aceh, they don't necessarily forget their own customs. One of these customs is still maintained by the Acehnese people, they dare to do good to people they don't even know. Because they think that every good thing done will turn the goodness into themselves and bring their own blessings to their lives. And also the reason this custom is still being maintained is that they believe if they do good for immigrants or people outside their area. They will also be treated the same if they are outside the area or outside their place of residence. If you want to prove and feel this custom yourself. Please come and visit our area, namely Aceh Province at the western tip of Indonesia.
Uphold your customs and respect every environment you are in.

That meuaso kali nyo em ahahahaha
Hahahahah menurot raseki chit
Sebrat semangat bak post
Semangat bung 😆