Collage estilo Libre - Freestyle collage - eve66 (ESP-ENG)

in Let's Make a Collage2 months ago

Hola Comunidad

Esta imagen tiene dos semanas, he realizado varios collages pero ninguno me gusto, hoy decidí terminarlo y lo llamare "La mente desbloqueada": ya que el collage muestra a un hombre cuya cabeza se ha transformado en un paisaje, un ojo de araña. Es una mente que se ha desbloqueado para explorar infinitas posibilidades.

Espero les guste.

Hello Community

This image is two weeks old, I have made several collages but I didn't like any of them, today I decided to finish it and I will call it "The Unlocked Mind": since the collage shows a man whose head has been transformed into a landscape, a spider's eye. It is a mind that has been unlocked to explore infinite possibilities.
I hope you like it.

collage eve66 marzo.png

Proceso - Process

  • En Photoshop, utilicé un total de 17 capas para crear el resultado final.
  • Retiré el fondo e incorporé la imagen de Pixabay.
  • Utilicé archivos LIL de la galería Lmac.
  • Usé las formas personalizadas shape.
  • Utilicé la herramienta rectángulo para crear la figura geométrica del fondo.
  • Usé un fondo unicolor.
  • Para finalizar, utilicé el Filtro de cámara Raw, consulta de colores y filtro de nitidez para realzar los detalles.

  • In Photoshop, I used a total of 17 layers to create the final result.
  • I removed the background and incorporated the image from Pixabay.
  • I used LIL files from the Lmac gallery.
  • I used the custom shape forms.
  • I used the rectangle tool to create the geometric figure in the background.
  • I used a solid color background.
  • To finish, I used the Raw Camera Filter, color query, and sharpness filter to enhance the details.

👉 👉👉 Let's Make a Collage ✨

Gracias por visitar mi Blog

Thank you for visiting my Blog


Twitter @misionera66

Pixabay eve66

Sources -- Fuentes

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @bayuismail.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @eve66.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @bayuismail.




✂️ Edition Photoshop

Translated with


Absolutely Awesome!

Thank you @lesmann ❤️

I just Love It!
And "Thank You" for the Twitter/X posts as well!


Gracias @enraizar saludos 💛

Es un placer pasarme por aquí, saludos

Detrás de un collage, lleva todo un proceso creativo, para lograr un resultado final excelente, con mucha creatividad e imaginación para lograr esta presentación, saludos amiga.



Hola amiga, de nada

Your collages are always unexpected and mysterious with the use of these colors. It's really wonderful.

Thank you for including my LIL collection in this great work.

Thank you


I'm glad I read the narrative. I didn't get it until I did. Very interesting. Almost disquieting, and yet visually arresting. I think it's a successful piece, worth the work you put into it.

Hi @agmoore Thank you
I believe that the artist prints part of his thoughts in art.

This collage the unblocked mind is born from a need to break the rules, I am a person of rules, symmetry, order and I think I should open myself to the disorder of art.