Rosemary Tea to Stimulate Hair Growth 🌿

in Natural Bodycare 🍃2 days ago (edited)

Maybe you have seen the newest trend; influencers on tiktok and instagram pouring rosemary tea on their hair to stimulate growth.

Really, this isn't a new trend at all, but rather a historic recipe to rejuvenate the skin and scalp. But does rosemary tea really stimulate hair growth?

There was a time when I religiously brewed teas and made natural shampoos. Then, life happened and my busy schedule made other tasks of higher priority. I began using commercial shampoos and essential oils rather than the products that can be easily found & made in my own yard.

Rosemary and aloe are just two of such herbs. Today I want to focus on rosemary which is having a major moment online.

So, what are the properties of rosemary tea and how can it aid hair growth?

Rosemary is well known for it's anti-inflammatory actions, meaning that swelling and irritation in the skin & scalp can be treated by simply applying rosemary tea. From my personal line of research into hair loss I have found that candida (aka yeast infection) is a main contributor to hair loss as is dandruff. Both candida and dandruff clog up pores of the scalp and prevent new hair growth.

Rosemary is also anti-microbial which is also key in fighting candida, which is itself a fungus. There is a certain amount of microbes (bacteria and fungus) present on our skin and within our locks of hair at all times. Keeping a health balance of all the diversity of life is key. But, lifestyle and diet can lead to an overgrowth of any one bacteria or fungus that creates an inhospitable environment for the hair and skin. That is where the application of balancing herbs like aloe and rosemary come into play.

What is the best way to extract rosemary's properties?

There are so many ways! I have made herbal hydrosols with hair supporting herbs like mint, horsetail, plantain, and of course rosemary over the years. Creating a hydrosol takes a bit of planning and a few extra supplies though. Making a tea or a decoction (a very strong tea) is quite simple and only requires water, a metal pot + lid, and a few sprigs of rosemary.

All you need to do is boil the rosemary in the water for about 15 minutes with the lid on. When the 15 minutes is up turn off the flame, let the decoction cool and strain out into a jar or bottle with a spray top. Yesterday I poured a bit of cold rosemary tea on my scalp after taking a shower and am going to be using a spray bottle to apply rosemary tea to my hair as needed throughout the day.

It really is that simple and I am surprised at myself for slacking on this routine over the past few months. No matter! I can always start again!


Oh wow!!!!
I never knew this was really a thing. I thought these influencers were just making it up.
I’m definitely going to try it. But does rosemary have any odour? I would like to try it on my braids.
I’m asking about the odour because fenugreek has this odour which I couldn’t stand so it was so difficult to be spraying in my hair while going about my daily activities.

Give this a try for sure!! And the odor is very mild, i doubt anyone will notice and most people like the subtle smell of rosemary. It is definately not as stinky as fenugreek!!

Oh alright. I will try it for sure.

Uff how lucky to have so much rosemary near.I love that plant.

Wow 😲
I have heard about rosemary leaves but since I don't personally know anyone that has used it, so I thought it's one of those things people say online generate traffic

totally! I thought the same even though I have used rosemary for years now. I didn't realize exactly whey it worked and that people compare it to over the counter hair growth products like Rogaine! i think that, like any herb, consistency is key to seeing the long term effects. Hope this helps!

Yea, it does. Thank you 🤗