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RE: Financial Churning. What is it? And how to avoid it.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Greetings, friend @fijimermaid

This reminded me of moments that I have lived trying to earn some points by "trading". I have never had success moving my chips in this way.

Sometimes we fall into FOMO. This leads us to nervously buy supposed tokens that promise to increase its value in the hours to come.
There is certainly a total financial churning.

Is it possible that we will obtain positive results, product of this agitation? I think that sometimes it is possible.


"trying to earn some points by "trading""

I have done the same thing. Like you said, falling into the FOMO. I guess our math teachers were correct, doing our homework might result in better grades, and when we are adults, more money 😁

Thanks @juanmolina

 4 years ago  

Oh... dear teachers!