Experiencing the new normal.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

This publication was also written in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.

World Green Building Council

During this quarantine period, everyone knows (or should know) that isolation and social detachment are two of the main "weapons" that we all have to prevent Coronavirus (Covid-19). But unfortunately, there are still many people who insist on breaking these - and others - rules like wearing masks or hand hygiene) and ignore these security measures. This is very sad to see because I think it is a clear demonstration of how much society still needs to evolve as a human being.

Particularly speaking, leaving home has been something I have done very little and when I need to go somewhere (like the supermarket to buy food or the bank to pay bills) it is always for some important reason. On these specific days, I always feel a sense of awkwardness when I see most people wearing masks and standing away from each other. Sometimes, even without realizing it, casting suspicious glances about how people behave in the midst of this pandemic situation... After all, everyone has a potential level of suspicion.

In addition, walking through the empty streets and seeing most of the establishments closed is also a bit of an impact because it is like being in a "parallel world" and full of restrictions. At times, seeing important places isolated and without any sign of movement reminds me of those films with a relatively apocalyptic theme. Getting into the allowed places and having to follow so many rules (being constantly watched so the rules are not broken) is really the "new normal" and these recommendations are here to stay.

We will have to adapt to what is being imposed on us and contrary to what many people still think, this is not a choice... It is an obligation. Fighting this change is inevitable because in one way or another, all of us (and obviously, our habits) are part of it. Adaptation will be a key word and within this scenario, a reformulation of concepts and ideas is very likely, which will create new ways of thinking and acting. The "new normal" will definitely rock the world.

I know it may be an exaggeration to say this, but I think that experiencing this new reality is almost like a challenge for an intense phase of transition, as something that is beyond our limited understanding and that we - as human beings - do not yet have. the ability to understand. However, we will have to accept it because there is no escape from it. Understanding the new normal and adapting to the challenges to come is the next phase that society will have to overcome in this game called "life".

Experimentando la nueva normalidad.

Durante este período de cuarentena, todos saben (o deberían saber) que el aislamiento y el desapego social son dos de las "armas" principales que todos tenemos para prevenir el Coronavirus (Covid-19). Pero desafortunadamente, todavía hay muchas personas que insisten en romper estas reglas - y otras - como usar máscaras o higiene de manos) e ignoran estas medidas de seguridad. Es muy triste ver esto porque creo que es una demostración clara de cuánto necesita evolucionar la sociedad como ser humano.

Particularmente hablando, salir de casa ha sido algo que he hecho muy poco y cuando necesito ir a algún lugar (como el supermercado para comprar comida o el banco para pagar facturas) siempre es por alguna razón importante. En estos días específicos, siempre siento una sensación de incomodidad cuando veo que la mayoría de las personas usan máscaras y se alejan unas de otras. A veces, incluso sin darse cuenta, lanzando miradas sospechosas sobre cómo se comportan las personas en medio de esta situación de pandemia... Después de todo, todos tienen un nivel potencial de sospecha.

Además, caminar por las calles vacías y ver la mayoría de los establecimientos cerrados también es un poco impactante porque es como estar en un "mundo paralelo" y lleno de restricciones. A veces, ver lugares importantes aislados y sin ningún signo de movimiento me recuerda a esas películas con un tema relativamente apocalíptico. Entrar en los lugares permitidos y tener que seguir tantas reglas (ser vigilado constantemente para que las reglas no se rompan) es realmente la "nueva normalidad" y estas recomendaciones están aquí para quedarse.

Tendremos que adaptarnos a lo que se nos impone y, contrariamente a lo que mucha gente todavía piensa, esto no es una opción ... Es una obligación. Combatir este cambio es inevitable porque de una forma u otra, todos nosotros (y obviamente, nuestros hábitos) somos parte de él. La adaptación será una palabra clave y dentro de este escenario, es muy probable una reformulación de conceptos e ideas, lo que creará nuevas formas de pensar y actuar. La "nueva normalidad" definitivamente sacudirá el mundo.

Sé que puede ser una exageración decir eso, pero creo que experimentar esta nueva realidad es casi como un desafío para una fase intensa de transición, como algo que está más allá de nuestra comprensión limitada y que nosotros - como seres humanos - todavía no tenemos. La capacidad de entender. Sin embargo, tendremos que aceptarlo porque no hay escapatoria. Comprender la nueva normalidad y adaptarse a los desafíos por venir es la siguiente fase que la sociedad tendrá que superar en este juego llamado "vida".

Experimentando o novo normal.

Durante esse período de quarentena, todo mundo sabe (ou deveria saber) que o isolamento e o distanciamento social são duas das principais "armas" que todos nós temos para evitar o Coronavírus (Covid-19). Mas infelizmente, ainda existem muitas pessoas que insistem em descumprir essas - e outras - regras como o uso de máscaras ou a higienização das mãos) e ignoram essas medidas de segurança. Isso é muito triste de se ver porque eu acho que é uma clara demonstração da quanto a sociedade ainda precisa evoluir enquanto ser humano.

Particularmente falando, sair de casa tem sido algo que eu tenho feito muito pouco e quando preciso ir a algum lugar (como ao supermercado comprar comida ou ao banco pagar contas) é sempre por alguma razão importante. Nestes dias específicos, eu sempre sinto uma sensação de estranheza quando eu vejo a maioria das pessoas usando máscaras e mantendo-se distantes umas das outras. Às vezes, até mesmo sem perceber, lançando olhares de suspeita sobre como as pessoas se comportando em meio à essa situação de pandemia... Afinal, todo mundo tem um nível de suspeita em potencial.

Além disso, andar pelas ruas vazias e ver a maioria dos estabelecimentos fechados também é uma sensação meio impactante porque é como estar em vivendo em um "mundo paralelo" e cheio de restrições. Em alguns momentos, ver lugares importantes isolados e sem nenhum sinal de movimentação me lembra aqueles filmes com uma temática relativamente apocalíptica. Entrar nos lugares permitidos e ter que seguir tantas regras (sendo constantemente vigiado para as regras não serem desobedecidas) é realmente o "novo normal" e essas recomendações chegaram para ficar.

Nós vamos ter que nos adaptar ao que nos está sendo imposto e ao contrário do que muitas pessoas ainda pensam, isso não é uma escolha... É uma obrigação. Lutar contra essa mudança é inevitável porque de uma forma ou de outra, todos nós (e obviamente, os nossos hábitos) estamos inseridos dentro dela. Adaptação será uma palavra-chave e dentro desse cenário, é bem provável uma reformulação de conceitos e ideias, que irão criar novas formas de pensar e de agir. Definitivamente, o "novo normal" vai balançar o mundo.

Eu sei que pode ser um exagero falar isso, mas eu acho que experimentar essa nova realidade é quase como um desafio para uma intensa fase de transição, como algo que está além da nossa compreensão limitada e que nós - enquanto seres humanos - ainda não temos a capacidade de entender. Porém, nós vamos ter que aceitar porque não há como fugir disso. Entender o novo normal e se adaptar aos desafios que estão por vir é a próxima fase que a sociedade terá que vencer nesse jogo chamado "vida".


We will have to adapt to what is being imposed on us

I very well agree with this statement. For our safety and the safety of others, we have the obligation to maintain the stipulated safety measures in our respective localities.
One thing I know is, we are survivors and we will survive through this.

Welcome to Project Hope buddy. Nice to have you

One thing I know is, we are survivors and we will survive through this.

Amen to that, @samminator and thanks for the welcome.

It really depends on where you live I guess.
I rarely see people with masks, but Denmark is also almost completely open again.

The corona numbers is also very small here!
I know its a different beast in countries which relay on people going out :/

Yes, they are very different realities and I talked about the country where I live (Brazil).

The corona numbers is also very small here!

Lucky you, @cwow2.

Yes I know!

I have a friend who lives in Brazil, so I get updates now and then!
Its hard when you cant "close" a country :/

 4 years ago  

Hi @wiseagent,
Thanks for posting within @project.hope. I'm lucky to live in Switzerland, where we are already behind the first wave of the virus and life has become almost normal again.

I believe that it is a challenging situation for every human being on this planet. We are in this together and unfortunately there are still many that see complots and conspiration in the measures that we have to take to face the situation.
Every country tries the best way to avoid the spread. Not everything makes sense but I believe that we should accept that we have to work together to overcome this crisis.

Hi, @achim03.

I have read that Switzerland is doing exemplary work to overcome this problem ... Unfortunately, something quite different from what Brazil (the country where I live) is doing.

 4 years ago  

My country has managed the crisis quite well and we didn't have a complete lockdown. However it's much easier to manage a small rich country like this than a huge country like Brasil. Hope you will get through this soon...

 4 years ago  

Hi @wiseagent

This virus has abruptly made changes in our social behavior.
It is true when you say that society is not educated, but I think that society to be educated must come individually from home, if in the home there are no patterns of respect for your fellow man, that individual behavior is transmitted to others who they are part of society.
In my country, social distancing was decreed since March 13, since that day I am at home, and like you I go to the supermarket 2 times a week, on Saturdays and Mondays, Saturdays to buy some food for myself. home. And on Mondays for an aid project that I have personally given support to several grandparents who are alone and cannot go out they are high risk.

Thank you for sharing your experience and your opinion in our community. I give you a cordial welcome to our project. I hope to see new publications from you.

Greetings from venezuela.

Este virus de manera abrupta ha hecho cambios en nuestro comportamiento social.
Es cierto cuando dices que la sociedad no esta educada, pero yo pienso que la sociedad para estar educada debe venir de manera individual desde el hogar, si en el hogar no existe patrones de respeto hacia tu semejante, ese comportamiento individual se transmite a otros que son parte de la sociedad.
En mi país se decreto el distanciamiento social desde el 13 de Marzo desde ese día estoy en i hogar, y al igual que tu salgo al supermercado 2 veces a la semana, los sábados y los lunes, los sábados para comprar algo de comida para mi hogar. y los lunes para un proyecto de ayuda que llevo personalmente dando apoyo a varios abuelos que están solos y no pueden salir son de alto riesgo.

Gracias por compartir tu experiencia y tu opinión en nuestra comunidad te doy una cordial bienvenida a nuestro proyecto espero ver nuevas publicaciones tuyas.

Saludo desde Venezuela.

... I think that society to be educated must come individually from home...

You have a very solid and strong point here, @lanzjoseg. It may even be a topic for an upcoming post.

... aid project that I have personally given support to several grandparents who are alone and cannot go out they are high risk.

That's fantastic!

Greetings from Brazil.

 4 years ago  

Thanks for the great idea ..

I'm going to develop something based on that sentence.

@wiseagent I totally agree with you, the soon we understand the change the better it is for us. COVID-19 has brought many changes to our lives in this past 3 months.

We are afraid by our own near persons like our delivery boys , milk man we look on them suspiciously. But it is normal as we want to keep us safe and them also.

Lastly we have to change ourselves with time. 🙂

Yes, @adityajainxds... It's an inner adaptation process that everyone will have to do. The problem is that not everyone is willing to do that.

I agree with your point of view, society has lost the conscious focus on life's priorities, putting material need first.

On several occasions, I have tried to put myself in the shoes of those who have this way of thinking and doing things, but I have not been able to do so. I am one of those who always has the will to do what is consciously right in the face of any adversity, however, there are those who lack the will, creativity and tools to face these difficult situations.

A clear example is us, at least in my case, I am actively working in some websites, to try to get an income to help me supplement what I receive from my real job to meet the basic needs of our family, like you, I only go out when necessary, but as I said, not everyone has the tools, many do not have computers, and in my country Venezuela, we do not have at this time good quality internet services, which makes it difficult for those who do not have a monthly salary.

There are cases where the risk of going out to look for an income is justified, not having anything in the refrigerator while the children are crying is a strong reason for that, but there are those who have the resources to keep themselves safe and secure and they do not do it, thus allowing an increase in the probability of contagion in society.

I understand perfectly the people who need to go out to work and get money to feed their families and pay their bills. But many of them still do it without following security measures and that is very sad to be seen. In this case, the government should be the greatest force to keep many of these people at home (those who do not work on the front lines in the fight against the virus) and provide a monthly payment.

So, @adeljose... My post is more aimed at irresponsible people who are putting not only themselves at risk, but also many other people.

Of course, my friend, I understand your point and I support it.

However, we have to see those who are most affected. Here is my recent publication on this subject.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Thanks for dropping by and this amazing comment. Stay safe.

unfortunately, there are still many people who insist on breaking these - and others - rules like wearing masks or hand hygiene) and ignore these security measures.

I actually thought I'm the only one noticing such people who don't even care about the preventive measures to protect themselves and others. I think the major reason for this is the lack of proper understanding of what the virus entails and this is one of the reasons some people still find it very difficult to believe in the existence of the virus which is really something bad.

At times, seeing important places isolated and without any sign of movement reminds me of those films with a relatively apocalyptic theme.

Lols..... This really sounds funny to me though but you are absolutely right. This is actually one of the effect of the strict lock down order by the government and it seems most citizens are really obeying the rules to avoid a form of sanction or discipline from the government agencies such as the securities.

Understanding the new normal and adapting to the challenges to come is the next phase that society will have to overcome in this game called "life".

I strongly corroborate with your point here. This made me remember a statement made by an influential developer who was encouraging everyone to start working from home without going to their place of work, he said "The coronavirus epidemic will surely go one day but it's effect will surely remain for a longer period of time"

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

Thanks for the comment, @hardaeborla and let's hope for the best for all of us. Sooner or later, the world will need to change.

 4 years ago  

Thanks for dropping by and this amazing comment. Stay safe.

You are welcome 😊

Dear @wiseagent
Let me disagree a little bit with you
I think the fact that Covid 19 has spread highly rapid in some regions of the world make people overestimate it ... Of course, I COMPLETELY agree with you on the need to adhere to the rules of social detachment at the present time
However, Contrary to what my colleagues said in the comments, I don't believe that these rules" are here to stay"...

We, as a human race, have managed to overcome many previous pandemics thousands of years ago even without the help of science.
It is not the first time.
Over thousands of years, the Earth has subjected to many and many pandemics that were much more severe than Covid-19 and after a period of time, all these pandemics faded into oblivion.
For example, In 1918, earth were exposed to the so-called Spanish flu pandemic(was far more fierce than Coved-19). More than 50 million people were killed and social detachment rules were firmly imposed at that time all over the world
After the end of 1920 the influence of the epidemic began to fade and the rules of social separation began to be forgotten


In the same way, I think (or call it hope) that by 2021 or 2022 this current pandemic will begin to fade...
And the "new normal" will be no differet from the "old normal" life.
At least I wish so...

welcome to the PH community :)

It's okay to disagree, @qsyal... After all, we are here to discuss our point of views, right? Thanks for the welcome.

So, many of the rules that are essential today to overcome this problem, in the future may not be (after the virus no longer exists or can be fought with vaccines), but I think - at the very least - society will be suspicious for a long time and because of this, a new type of behavior will influence many people's routine actions.

 4 years ago  

Thanks for dropping by and this amazing comment. Stay safe.

Hi, @wiseagent

WoW! I am Spanish speaking but I usually post in English. I love that you have translated the post into several languages. Excellent.

Hey! Welcome to Project Hope Community :D

My friend @crypto.piotr told me that this is your first post here. So, let's read it ^_^

My family and I continue to abide by the rules of staying home as much as possible, with some exceptions for food and medication. In my country, a new phase has started where they are activating the business one week on and one week off, this is 2 weeks ago. However, I have noticed that there are a lot of people who assume that there is no longer any danger and have stopped using their mask and no longer maintain a healthy distance to avoid any danger.

I guess they don't believe or justify the need for a new reality. I've heard stories of people who even when they present the illness, they continue to work as if they were healthy, believing it's just a flu.

In the newspapers, I see that there are many people who think that this is just a way for governments to control populations and that really everything is a lie. So to think about a new reality seems to me a little premature, especially for those who do not yet understand the danger of this pandemic.

We'll see what happens.

Thanks for sharing ^_^

Although people spread lies and absurd theories about this virus, there are no arguments against the facts. But it is a pity to see that many people still resist this change that is being imposed on everyone.

Here in Brazil, flexibility is also starting and I think this attitude is still too premature for a country that has not worked well to try to control the problem. Let's hope for the best.

Thank you for the welcome, @jadams2k18 and thanks to @crypto.piotr for telling you about my post.

P.S.: I work hard to write in three languages ​​to reach as many readers as possible.

 4 years ago  

Thanks for dropping by and this amazing comment :)

Don't mention it, my friend, ^_^

Well said, isolation and hygiene are the keys in the current situation but what you say is also based on the country. Some countries are well prepared and they handle this very well but some countries find it hard to handle. Welcome to PH community by the way. 😀

Yes, @bala41288... I wrote my post based on the situation that my country (Brazil) lives in and I know that this can't be applied to the situation of all countries. Unfortunately, some countries suffer - for different reasons - more than others.

Thanks for the welcome.

This post is shared to Twitter in support of @ocd and @ocdb's #posh initiative.

Solid read @wiseagent
Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

I totally agree with you a new "normality" was born thanks to COVID and we have to accept it......welcome to Project HOPE

Well... As I said in my text, adaptation will be a key word in this challenging process.

Thanks, @ramsesuchiha.

One of the most difficult creature to control is human being, and honesty also I am guilty of not following those preventive measures as I am not a fan of wearing nose mask and I am a fan of always shaking people around me.

This two has keep me or should I say made me difficult to control or follow these preventive measures

So you're going to have trouble adapting... Right, @mandate?

Also, I agree when you say " One of the most difficult creature to control is human being".

Hello friend @wiseagent
Good to see new users in the PH community. Welcome, and much more with this well-contextualized and well thought out topic. New Reality. Certainly, we have a new world, being the same planet, which makes us know that really the world we humans do with their customs.
Going out and seeing things so changed can even be disconcerting. But it is what we have, and it is up to us to adapt, as you say in your publication, that has been the key to evolving as humans, although as a civilization we still have a lot to learn, in my opinion.
Thank you for this great start in the community.
We will continue to read each other.

Thanks for the welcome, @josevas217.

We will continue to read each other.

You can be sure about that.

Tienes toda la razón amigo, todo en nuestras vidas ha cambiado, ya nada es igual, el virus llegó para quedarse y lamentablemente aún muchos no lo entienden, las personas piensan que dentro de poco todo pasará pero para mí esa no es la realidad, tenemos que adaptarnos a él así de sencillo, creo que no hay otra alternativa.

Las calles y negocios como dices se ven solas, ahora muchas personas andan con miedo, con miradas de intriga, pensando, ¿sera que esta infectado?, son muchas cosas que hoy en dia pasan por nuestra mente la verdad.

Muchos se han quedado sin trabajo a raíz de la pandemia, otros por el contrario han conseguido trabajar desde casa, cosa que no me parece mal, al contrario, el mundo en general están experimentando muchas cosas nuevas, la educación ha dado un giro de 180 grados, los profesores han tenido que adaptarse a la nueva realidad y buscar nuevas herramientas para enseñar a los estudiantes. Creo que desde todo punto de vista muchas cosas han cambiado!!


Toda esta situación es muy peculiar, pero es necesario entender que necesitamos cambiar porque sin esto no podremos avanzar. Muchas personas no entienden esto y tendrán que aprender a la fuerza (en lugar de ser algo natural).

Gracias por la recepción, @franyeligonzales.

hi @wiseagent

first welcome to the ph community .

Particularly speaking, leaving home has been something I have done very little and when I need to go somewhere (like the supermarket to buy food or the bank to pay bills) it is always for some important reason.

This is what i am doing to even my area is corona free. And this what i am expecting from other people too. because i can see that many people still ignoring precautions. i don't know how to deal with them. Anyway such a awesome publication. ☻

We have to keep doing our part, even because, we can't be responsible for other people's behavior.

Thanks for the welcome, @luckyali.

I can't even wear a mask because of lung issues... My heart is dislocated behind lungs instead of being between them... That makes it hard for me to breathe with a mask...

I miss visiting my grandfather every Saturday... He is 96 years old, so every day could be his last... Last time I saw him in March, it was just two days before he was rushed to hospital due to yet another infection...

Honeslty, after what I read you wrote, @mtl1979... I can only wish you much health and that things get better for both (you and your grandfather).

Stay safe.

I am using this medium to welcome you to this great community, free free to hang around, we care about your content here.

@wiseagent, I think humans still need time to adapt to this great pandemic, it is not something that we all can just start emulating. I know it costing lives right now, but nonetheless, a constant educational measures have to be put in place to ensure this is issue is combated globally.

This behavioral change will take time, I know that ... But the sooner we work on it, the better - and the faster - the result will be.

Thanks for the welcome, @tfame3865.

Hey there @wiseagent an interesting post my friend regarding the situation we currently find ourselves in. There will always be hardcore of people who will do exactly what they please and show no regard to the care and welfare of others. Sadly we all know and see people like this.

Sometimes, even without realizing it, casting suspicious glances about how people behave in the midst of this pandemic situation... After all, everyone has a potential level of suspicion.

Yes indeed seeds have been sown throughout societies all over the planet, it is sad that at a time in history when what we need more than anything else is to be better connected and more empathetic and in touch with eachother we are separated and isolated I have conducted a huge amount of independent research regarding this 'pandemic' ((there is an enormous amount of conflicting data from the scientific community that has not really been heard yet, nor will it be.

This has led me to believe that not all of the recommendations make perfect sense but if we do not have a abetter model to work from we should at-least adhere to the best guidance that is available for now. I do not agree with much of what is being proposed however I follow all guidance issued so that those people who are worried can feel safe when they are around me. It is incredibly important that those people who are terrified of contracting this or any other virus feel content and safe.

'The new normal' Oh yes my friend, we will hear this exact phrase a lot in the coming months!

There is one thing I would really like to mention, a lot of freedoms have been removed, a lot of restrictions have been imposed and a LOT of laws have been changed due to this 'unprecedented situation' we must ensure that as things begin to return to whatever normal is coming, our leaders know that we are watching them closely. Historically Governmental agencies have turned bad, fast when they have had too much control. We must use public forums and chances to submit questions to ask when laws will return as I can virtually guarantee they will try and leave some laws changed in a way that suits them better.

Finally and most importantly - When this is all over, whether it be 6 months or even 2 or 3 years there will be certain areas of society that have an inbuilt fear of getting too close. We must become connected again, socially, spiritually and for the most part, mentally. This cannot be a reason for people to become more disconnected from eachother, we NEED to be closer, better connected, more optimistic for the future of our species both at a community and a global level.

I love that you wrote this in three... THREE!!! different languages, this means more people can get the most benefit from it and that is a huge bonus, much respect my friend 🙂 I know that you are going to be a useful, engaged member of the HOPE community with much to share of value. It is fabulous to have you with us.

Great to meet you my friend, very best wishes to you and yours from me and mine, take great care and I am certain we will cross paths again soon 🙂

Once again, your comment expresses most of my thoughts....

We must become connected again, socially, spiritually and for the most part, mentally.

What a lovely phrase :)

Thankyou my friend 🙂

It seems like when I start most posts or comments I feel unable to stop lol, I guess I squeeze a lot of thoughts in there. Yes I believe that the only way to truly recover from this and many other things that have been happening on our planet is through connection.

When we are together we can be an unstoppable force for good. Take great care my friend 🙂

 4 years ago  

Thanks for dropping by and this amazing comment. Stay safe.

You touched on more sensitive and important points, such as the issue of empathy and care among human beings (people need to understand that despite their cultural differences... we are one!) and the command of government officials over the actions they are creating (or modifying) in an attempt to control / overcome the pandemic (on this point, I can say that here in my country - Brazil - this is a real disaster because the president is a totally stupid and irresponsible person).

Thanks for the warm welcome, @stevenwood and yes, I have been writing in three different languages ​​precisely for the reasons you mentioned. It's not always something easy to be done, but it's my commitment to do so.

You are more than welcome my friend, the welcome is for someone I can already see will be an enormous asset to our community. With engaging posts and engaging comments you are incredibly welcome. THAT is what the community needs more than anything else in my opinion.

I think when they are put under the correct amount of scrutiny most world leaders are not what they seem to be on the surface... As long as we ensure that they know we see them they should at-least stay on the right side of the line that we must never let them cross.

Take great care my friend 🙂

... the welcome is for someone I can already see will be an enormous asset to our community.

A huge thanks for the credibility, @stevenwood.

New normal is very real. I have been outside for less than 10 times in the last 3-4 months, yet there are people out and about at beaches and parks, hanging out with friends. I don't blame them either because frustration is real too. I just hope that this corona situation won't get worse with everything else going on... Thanks for the post :)

I also understand frustration (which leads to disobedience in some cases), but now it is necessary to act for a greater good.

Thanks for the comment, @tomoyan.

First of all, a cordial greeting and a warm welcome to the community of Project Hope.

It is appropriate to say that I certainly affirm what you say so we will have to accept this quarantine until there is a solution to the problem of the covid-19 pandemic. Certainly we will have to overcome certain challenges that society will have to overcome and overcome perhaps greater adversity.

I loved your original and very personal analysis, I am pleased that you are part of this community, greetings from Venezuela.

Thank you for this Excellent post @wiseagent welcome to PH community.
Indeed isolation is important in such pandemic situation!

Thanks, @rishabh99946.

Yes, we need to be careful for our own sake and for the sake of others.

Hello @wiseagent. We are definitely in the obligation to adapt to our new reality, for many of us all these new measures are totally uncomfortable, yet they protect our lives, so we must respect them for our survival. This virus changed everything.

Thanks friend, welcome to Project HOPE, regards!

Hola @wiseagent. Definitivamente estamos en la obligación de adaptarnos a nuestra nueva realidad, para muchos de nosotros todas estas nuevas medidas son totalmente incómodas, sin embargo, resguardan nuestra vida, así que debemos respetarlas por nuestra supervivencia. Este virus cambió todo.

¡Gracias amigo, bienvenido a Project HOPE, saludos!

Adapting to changes (especially unexpected ones) is a very complicated process, but it's necessary to understand that the current situation in the world requires this (urgently).

Thanks for the welcome, @fucho80.