Forgive To Be Free

in HiveGhana3 months ago

"Anger begets more anger, and forgiveness and love lead to more forgiveness and love." "To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you." "There is nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy, a grace in forgiveness." "If we want to love we must learn how to forgive." _Mother Teresa

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How can we forgive someone who hurt us in our relationships?

These are ways to forgive those who hurt us in our relationships;

Forgive to forget. We can give them another chance, or we can forgive, let go, and give ourselves a better chance. Appreciate those who love us, help those who need us, forgive those who hurt us, forget those who leave us. Forget what hurt us, but never forget what it taught us.

A family member of mine did something that hurt me a few weeks back, and given the kind of a person he is a narcissist, he never agreed to be wrong, telling him how I feel could easily make things worse and leave me feeling more hurt. But instead of continuing to be mad at him, I spoke with a trusted friend a professional about my feelings, this friend listened and understood how I felt, and this helped me process my thoughts.

I forgive the one who hurt me and set a clear boundary between the two of us to avoid me being hurt by him in the future.

Before I went ahead to forgive him, I started having a nightmare because of what he did, and pains in my heart whenever his thoughts crossed my mind. I was beginning to become like a prisoner of my mind.

But when I let go, I became free again, free from resentment and anger because I let love lead and chose my peace of mind.

Forgiveness is something we must learn how to do from time to time, because if we don't lack of forgiveness will only steal our joy and make us miserable.
And if care is not taken, it could make us treat those around us badly due to the anger we carry.

Forgiveness is not just to those that hurt us, but it starts within ourselves. We have to forgive ourselves for all our mistakes, learn from them, and find a way to move forward. When we learn how to do this, forgiving others becomes very easy.
Because we are all human after all and sometimes we make mistakes and we have to learn from them and move on.

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A forgiving heart is a joyous heart, they let their light shine, because in their hearts ❤️ it is all love, kindness, and empathy. That sounds beautiful, right? Sometimes it is hard to let those anger go, or free ourselves from resentment but we just have to learn to let all that go for the sake of our peace of mind.

Sometimes when we forgive someone, we may not understand but by forgiving them we are taking our strength back.

Someone once told me a story about a lesson his teacher once taught them in school.

His teacher asked them one day, that the whole class should bring some number of tomatoes inside their school bag to the class, according to the number of people they hate 🙄

The following day, their teacher asked each one of them to bring out the tomatoes from their bags and let the whole class do the counting of each and everyone's tomatoes.

Some brought two, three, four, and so on, inside their bags.

Then, the teacher instructed them to return their tomatoes inside their bags, they would have to take them home and continue to bring them back to school each day.

After about three days, their tomatoes began to rot, water was coming out of some, and started to spoil their bags and most of the books inside.

Each day that passes by, the teacher will ask them to bring out the tomatoes while they observe them and then ask them to return them to their bags.

On the fourth day, the students began to get tired of carrying some rotting and smelling tomatoes inside their school bags.

And they pleaded with their teacher to make them stop carrying the tomatoes inside their bags.

The teacher told them that they could take out the tomatoes and dispose of them once they got home that day.

The following morning in the class, the Teacher asked them how they felt about carrying rotting tomatoes inside their bags every single day and how they felt after taking them out and disposing of them.

The students responded that they felt very bad for those days when they had to carry the tomatoes as they began to rot, smell, and spoil their valuable books inside their school bags. But they felt free and happy after taking them out.

The teacher responded and said, that is exactly what happens when you hate on someone and you carry with you all the anger inside everywhere you go.

This anger becomes a burden to carry and it can go as far as spoiling your mood, your kind heart, and your good character or even make you sick.

So you must learn to dispose of your anger by forgiving those people who hurt you.

This is my entry into one of this week's #hiveghana engagement Topic

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, do have a great day

@funshee✍ 🙏🥰


Forgiveness is also a form of healing,honestly. Carrying so much hate for others in ones heart is not going to help us in anyway, the best thing to do is to let go. Thanks for sharing with us.

Yes, I agree with you point.
Thank you for having me !LUV

in as much as we forgive to re-establish a relationship, we do so also to help ourselves to befine. i would say that we even benefit more when we forgive. Thus it is very vital for our healthy living.


Yes, forgiveness is vital to healthy living, I like the way you put it 😊

The whole tomato story is a really popular one actually

It’s good to set clear boundaries after forgiving people , if not they’ll just take that for your weakness and be taking advantage of yoy

I held the tomato story dearly as it taught me a valuable lesson.

Yes, setting boundaries is very vital to prevent any form of future hurts from those who hurt us once. !LUV

That’s smart

That's what FORGIVENESS does, it sets the mind free.
The way I'm living my life currently, I don't want anything to bugg my soft mind because it's too soft. So whenever such bridge of forgiveness comes, I cross it and if need be, forget the person as well to be totally free🫣


@funshee! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (9/20)

Glad to know you forgive easily, life is sweet that way. !LUV and forgetting the person sometimes is necessary.

I love the story you shared, unforgiven heart is filled with burdens of anger, hate, resentment which of course makes it rotten. Forgiveness sets one free from all these and brings peace of mind.


Yes o, so much one stands to gain when one chooses to forgive instead of holding on to anger and resentment. !LUV

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Forgiveness is very important for one to live a happy and purposeful life. When one finds it difficult to forgive, he carries a weighty burden.

That is very true, may we always find a place in our hearts to forgive those who wrong us. ❤💯 !LUV


It’s important we learn to forgive to also set ourselves free from heaviness of heart ❤️. And setting boundaries is the key 🔑 to prevent re-occurrence.

Thanks for sharing @funshee. Enjoy your day.

Thank you so much, Sunshine ❤ your words sum it up so well. I wish you a beautiful evening.

You too beautiful 😍.


I love the story using tomatoes as am example, it states the clear facts that forgiving people restores your peace.

Beautifully written Funshee and I so love that Mother Theresa’s quote.

Thank you very much @ibbtammy

Her forgiveness quote is beautiful and inspiring. !LUV

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