in HiveGhana7 months ago

It was quite hard for me to believe at first, but what I'm about to share is something you can consciously try out and see if it works. I'm a person who loves to reflect a lot, and when I mean a lot, I mean a lot. I can spend my entire day meditating on a subject matter, creating fiction, or studying. I remember a time in my life when I usually had free time at hand, I would study 15 - 30 chapters of the bible, and end up meditating. I could go two days, sometimes three days doing so without feeling the need for food. But then life expenses came knocking at the door, and I had to answer. Fast-forward almost 5 years later, I'm still very much addicted to meditations. In these process I have encountered quite a number of supernatural events, some scary, others wonderful, until I decided to research it on it and discovered the theory of Astral projection.

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The law of Astral projection is very real, astray projection is the process by which a person's consciousness can function outside the body making them see, feel, and experience things that the human senses can never phantom. It's like being in another realm knowing things happening around you and sometimes far from you without physically leaving your space. Now any atheist or someone who believes there are scientific explanations to everything would say it's a product of a person's imaginations until you try and see that you think you are imagining things, and they are happening right before you in reality.

The first time I astray projected was in one of my long meditations, that period I had been hearing people talk about angelic encounters and how people met with supernatural beings. I think I somehow hoped I would experience such an event, until that day when I had stayed about two days meditating in one spot, it was in the early hours of the morning, and I was just enjoying the peace meditations brought me even when my body was weak. I wasn't fasting or praying by the way so you don't think I was being religious. I just felt my eyes itchy, and then it was as though I could see beyond my eyes somehow, I don't really know how to explain it.

I knew very well I wasn't sleeping because I was still studying, and I saw someone tell me to come; I just got up and followed him and it was as though I saw myself, but not this version of me, it was like an older version… I wouldn't want to reveal the entire ordeal that happened that day, but one striking thing that came out of it all was that I was in a place where I knew didn't look like anything I had seen, and in there it started to rain, but it wasn't raining water it was raining oil.

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When I realized oil was touching my body I didn't know what to think anymore I wasn't scared even though I didn't know what it meant, but I regained my consciousness a while later only to discover I was physically wet with oil all over me. More shocking because if not the part of my bed I was on, nowhere else was wet.

I was ecstatic at the entire ordeal and when I told my mum about it, she said I just met an angel. The person I met told me his name, but it wasn't something I can pronounce with the English tongue and after that experience, I met that person in other strange accidental encounters. One time I was in class with some friends when I physically turned and saw this person. I told my friends if they could see the person, but they couldn't. However that same night we were to hold fellowship in that hall when I suddenly blacked out.

I thought I was dreaming, only to wake up the next day and my friends said I was speaking and writing things that weren't in English. Someone I knew the things I was writing because it was as though I was jotting down the happenings of things that were going to happen of which the majority of them really happened. This is all hard to believe, even for me at times but like I said if you doubt me you can intentionally try out the art of true medication until you hit the point of Astral projection.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Ok this is amazing.
I never knew meditation and reflection can go this far. I might as well just start my meditating journey but the thought of not eating for two days and staying in one spot is hell on it own.
You must have encountered a lot and travelled to realms unknown.

The eating part isn't compulsory. You just need to know how to meditate for long

I will try it out.
It gonna be a long walk though.

Wow,this is amazing.
Although I have not experienced it myself but someone close to me has .
Thanks for sharing this experience.

Oh nice. At least I'm not the only one lol

I have heard of Astral Projection, i think the first time was in Avatar the last airbender series and i only i assumed is a theory applied in movies, then i encountered some friends in high school that claim to have had this experience. As to whether it is very truly i cannot tell but then you also seem to have experienced so i guess there could be some truth to it after all. It would be an interesting experience...

Please check you images and reupload as they didn't come out well


You wouldn't know until you try. The Image issue is probably a glitch or something, but I will check

Yay! 🤗
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It was an indeed a different space.

Yes it is, thanks for stopping by

You are welcome