Self-love Inspire Self Discipline

in HiveGhana28 days ago

I love myself very much, because if I can't get to love myself for who I am, my achievement, my beauty etc, that means I can't love another enough. Self love is said to be paramount before I can extend the love to another person. If I don't love myself, I would just be deceiving another person which I claim to love. Self-love is not something that needs to be learned; it's a natural inclination that I pursue what makes me happy and less miserable.

Self-love is one thing that breaks the cycle of low self-esteem and fueled constant need for self-improvement and the feelings of worthiness, it also promotes self-acceptance, leading to improved mental health and emotional well-being. It is also the innate tendency of every human being to seek their own happiness and well-being.

Each day break is a battle won, and first having the character of gratitude to God for each day counts because lack of appreciation to God becomes a very difficult task to appreciate another physical person. Each day has its own content, it is what I believe and profess for each day is what works for me. So my heart of gratitude comes with words of affirmation and encouragement daily which will boost me up and that is as a result of self love.


And to keep the self love active I love to do so many things, which has kept me happy leaving a stunning smile on me face always. Encouraging myself daily is one thing I do frequently. I had to exhibit that habit to boost or improve my self-esteem. I believe that there is a limit to what someone can do for me, I have to speak and affirm what i want to see.

It is out of self-love that brings out daily encouragement to myself, I did that daily to overcome low self, esteem, it's through my daily encouragement I'm able to prioritize my happiness and my needs which are very important. Through these encouraging words It brings about self-acceptance, embracing my flaws, work towards correcting them, and treating myself with love and care.

Self-love is a foundation that improves my self-esteem but doesn't rely solely on external validation but my daily words of affirmation and encouragement, and constantly it gladens my heart the outcome of each day, sitting down to reflect on my achievement daily after engaging and affirming those things to myself, it marvels me because the result would be so good. Through self love I have been able to instill some discipline to myself, and that has kept me moving forward.

My self-love is being in a relationship with myself, regardless of achievements or external factors but is based on my daily life of gratitude, and daily words of affirmation through my daily encouragement.

My Happiness is paramount to anyone else, I can't afford to make myself unhappy because an unhappy state only affects my emotional, mental and physical well-being.
I love myself so much.

Thank you for reading.
I am @pricelessudy

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


We can't live others if we don't love ourself. Self love is important

Exactly ❤️
It is out of the love we have for ourselves that we can extend it to others.
Thank you very much for this beautiful comment.