Creo que esta planta es Laceleaf (Anthurium andreanum) y fue tomada cuando visité el invernadero de Manito Gardens el verano pasado. Cuando leí sobre esta especie encontré que es nativa de Colombia y Ecuador. La elegí para la primera fotografía porque es única para mí.
Welcome to the New Year. Let us look forward to a great year in 2020!
I recently had to down-vote someone who misused my logo that is found on all my photographs, and at the bottom of my publications. They were basically using it as Spam. @mack-bot had already down-voted the publication and several others the same person had published. I left a comment about my displeasure of using this logo by other than me because of this very issue. It reflects poorly on me. In fact I have written about this very issue in previous publications.
I do not have a problem with curation projects using it, although they are more apt to use the graphic from my curation account @dsc-r2cornell.
I have also noticed more users with multiple accounts leaving comments from more than one of their accounts. Many of those have no publications and it is clear they are only after a vote from me. As I find these I usually do not vote or reply to the comment, and many times I mute them. This is frequently referred to as farming for votes by @steemcleaners. I also check wallets of these types of accounts and can find connections to other accounts. When this happens I usually mute all of them.
Spamming and farming votes has never been acceptable. It takes away from all of us and is detrimental to the platform. These people are of the minority and are just too lazy to work on creating quality content, and patiently work on building a presence here on Steemit.
I have been on Steemit for almost 3 years now and it takes time and work. Even after gaining a presence on this platform it takes a lot of work. I only do one publication per week because I want it to be of the highest quality as possible. I have tried to do more than one publication per week but it was difficult, so I went back to one publication on this account and one on @dsc-r2cornell. Even that is time consuming.
I regret that I have to start my first publication on this topic but feel it is very important, because it impacts all of us. Let us all work together to help each other and to improve this platform.
Bienvenido al Año Nuevo. Esperemos un gran año en el 2020!
Recientemente tuve que votar en contra de alguien que hizo un mal uso de mi logo que se encuentra en todas mis fotografías y en la parte inferior de mis publicaciones. Básicamente lo estaban usando como Spam. @mack-bot ya había votado en contra de la publicación y varias otras que la misma persona había publicado. Dejé un comentario sobre mi disgusto por usar este logo como Spam. Se refleja mal en mí. De hecho, he escrito sobre este mismo tema en publicaciones anteriores.
No tengo ningún problema en curar proyectos que lo utilicen, aunque son más aptos para utilizar el gráfico de mi cuenta de curaduría @dsc-r2cornell.
También he notado que hay más usuarios con múltiples cuentas que dejan comentarios de más de una de sus cuentas. Muchos de ellos no tienen publicaciones y está claro que sólo intentan conseguir un voto mío. Como los encuentro, normalmente no voto ni respondo al comentario, y muchas veces los silencia. Esto es frecuentemente referido como "farming para los votos" por @steemcleaners. También reviso las carteras de este tipo de cuentas y puedo encontrar conexiones con otras cuentas. Cuando esto sucede, normalmente las silencia todas.
El spam y los "votos de farming" nunca han sido aceptables. Nos quita a todos nosotros y daña la plataforma. Estas personas son de la minoría y son demasiado perezosas para trabajar en la creación de contenido de calidad, y no trabajan pacientemente en la construcción de una presencia aquí en steemit.
He estado en Steemit durante casi 3 años y eso lleva tiempo y trabajo. Incluso después de conseguir una presencia en esta plataforma se necesita mucho trabajo. Sólo hago una publicación por semana porque quiero que sea de la mayor calidad posible. He intentado hacer más de una publicación por semana pero era difícil, así que volví a una publicación en esta cuenta y otra en @dsc-r2cornell. Incluso eso lleva mucho tiempo.
Lamento tener que empezar mi primera publicación sobre este tema pero siento que es muy importante, porque nos afecta a todos. Trabajemos todos juntos para ayudarnos unos a otros y para mejorar esta plataforma.
I much rather discuss photographs of flowers and nature than discuss the above negative topics.
I have chosen flowers that are red or darker pink in color. I feel these colors are high energy colors and I can always use a boost of energy during our winter months.
My next two photos are Zinnias. Similar photographs may have been used in the past, but these specific photos have never been used. Each are a different flower:
Prefiero discutir las fotografías de flores y naturaleza que discutir los temas negativos anteriores.
He elegido flores que son rojas o de color rosa oscuro. Siento que estos colores son colores de alta energía y siempre puedo utilizar un impulso de energía durante nuestros meses de invierno.
Mis próximas dos fotos son Zinnias. Es posible que se hayan utilizado fotografías similares en el pasado, pero estas fotos específicas nunca se han utilizado. Cada una es una flor diferente:
This is a photograph of a Dianthus I grew in a container last year. I buried the pot in the ground to see if it would survive the winter.
Esta es una fotografía de un Dianthus que crecí en un contenedor el año pasado. Enterré la maceta en el suelo para ver si sobrevivía al invierno.
This macro-view of this pink rose is one of my favorite. I may have shared this rose previously, but this is the first time I have used this photo. I thought about using it as the first photograph, but the uniqueness of the first one too precedence.
Esta macro-vista de esta rosa rosa es una de mis favoritas. Puede que haya compartido esta rosa anteriormente, pero esta es la primera vez que uso esta foto. Pensé en usarla como la primera fotografía, pero nunca he visto la planta que usé como primera.
This next photograph was taken in the greenhouse at Manito Gardens in Spokane, Washington last summer. I believe it is in the Begonia family:
La siguiente fotografía fue tomada en el invernadero de Manito Gardens en Spokane, Washington el verano pasado. Creo que es de la familia Begonia:
My final photograph for this publication is of a male deer, with a doe getting a drink behind him. This was taken in late Spring to early Summer and they were still recovering from the winter. They will need to add weight before the next Winter arrives.
Mi última fotografía para esta publicación es de un ciervo macho, con una hembra tomando un trago detrás de él. Esta fue tomada desde finales de la primavera hasta principios del verano y todavía se estaban recuperando del invierno. Necesitarán añadir peso antes de que llegue el próximo invierno.
I use a Canon EOS Rebel 5 for most photographs. The deer photographs are usually from my trail cameras, which are attached to a tree and automatically take photographs based on movement or heat (at night).
Utilizo un Canon EOS Rebel 5 para la mayoría de las fotografías. Las fotografías de los ciervos suelen ser de mis cámaras de seguimiento, que están conectadas a un árbol y toman fotografías automáticamente basadas en el movimiento o el calor (por la noche).
As always, I hope you find at least one thing in my publication that you enjoy.
We are in the midst of Winter here in North Idaho, USA. We received around 6 inches of snow a few days ago, and then it rained, melting a lot of it. It was the first time I used my tractor for plowing since last Winter when it broke down. I was pleased that all went well and it, and it handled the heavy wet snow. My tractor is 66 years old, one year younger than myself. We both have a lot left in us.
I always try to have my indoor plant room producing fresh greens during the winter months. I usually start seeds after January first. I started many seeds on January 2nd. I hope to take photographs of these as they grow. I am focusing in on micro-greens this year. I need to do some remodeling and add more lights for growing. I am hoping to get this started this Winter. For now I am cleaning out the area so I have room to work, and using some of the space for growing.
Until next weekend, enjoy your upcoming week.
Como siempre, espero que encuentre al menos una cosa en mi publicación que le guste.
Estamos en medio del invierno aquí en el norte de Idaho, EE.UU.. Recibimos alrededor de 6 pulgadas de nieve hace unos días, y luego llovió, derritiéndose mucho. Fue la primera vez que usé mi tractor para arar desde el invierno pasado cuando se averió. Me alegré de que todo saliera bien, y de que soportara la pesada y húmeda nieve. Mi tractor tiene 66 años, un año menos que yo.
Durante los meses de invierno trato de cultivar verduras frescas. Normalmente empiezo las semillas después del primero de enero. Comencé muchas semillas el 2 de enero. Espero tomar fotografías de éstas a medida que crezcan. Este año me estoy centrando en los micro-verdes. Necesito hacer algunas remodelaciones y añadir más luces para el cultivo. Espero que esto comience este invierno. Por ahora estoy limpiando el área para tener espacio para trabajar, y usar algo del espacio para crecer.
Hasta el próximo fin de semana, disfruten de su próxima semana.

Steemitas Club (@steemitasclub) is a Curation project that is growing. Please support their work by visiting their Discord Channel and/or their publications.
Steemitas Club (@steemitasclub) es un proyecto de Curation que está creciendo. Por favor, apoye su trabajo visitando su Canal Discordia y/o sus publicaciones.
Here is a link to Steemitas Club's discord server ( & to their blog (
Hay un enlace al servidor de discos de Steemitas Club ( y a su blog (

Wonderful flower selection Grandpa.
Hello sir @r2cornell, happy new year. I hope in this new year your life and family are full of happiness. I really like Anthurium andreanum flowers. it looks very unique and beautiful. I have never seen this type of flower before.
Happy New Year. I am glad you got to see this unique flower.
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
Very beautiful flower post. Thanks for sharing. All flowers are colorful and looking very excellent . I post my balcony garden Zinnia flower. Many many thanks. All the best & wish your best success.

Thank you very much. I see you are growing in containers. I may try some Zinnias in a container in the Spring.
Wow such a lovely collection of photographs. It really need very much hard work to create content on Steem Blockchain. I appreciate your hard work and skills and your positive response towards community.
Thank you very much. I appreciate your words.
Oh wow, that looks like a decent snowload! Something we used to have every winter in the Czech Republic when I was younger. But the past couple of winters have been practically snowless. The climate change is a real thing, unfortunately.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
yes global warming is real. We are seeing mostly changes in cold. Some years we still get a lot of snow. We have had these winters where it snows and then rains. As long as we get the moisture I am happy. I do not mind plowing snow, but there are those winters where a storm is strong enough that I have to plow twice in the same day so my tractor can handle it.
I see. Good point with the moisture. It´s crucial for farming. We have experienced some severe summer droughts in Central Europe in the past few years. Also very unusual phenomenon for this part of the world.
It will take some adaptation to adjust to these changes. Hopefully more will become aware of the seriousness of this issue and work toward changing their own behaviors.
We do not get very much rain in July, August and September... It takes creativity to conserve water and have a garden.
Hello @r2cornell in my country in very common call it "Cala" and is used to bring the deceased ...

Hola @r2cornell en mi país en muy común llamarla “Cala” y se usa para llévale a los difuntos…
Thank you for the name and information on this beautiful plant.
You post has been manually curated by BDvoter Team! To know more about us please visit our website or join our Discord.
BDvoter Team
Thank you very much.
Are you snowing there now?
No it started raining so a lot of snow melted. We still have snow on the ground and as you go up in elevation they have a lot more snow.
This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!
Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!
Manually curated by @priyanarc.
@helpie is a Community Witness.
Thank you very much.
happy new year hope you are doing good 😊
Thank you very much.
I am looking forward to a great 2020.
The first Laceleaf flower (Anthurium andreanum) is magnificent. Moreover, it is not like the others, many flowers are vulnerable and tender. In this flower you can feel the power. Thanks for the great post.
Thank you very much.
Nice photography 👌
Thank you.
@r2cornell, Flower in Cover Picture is reflecting so Unreal. Creations of nature are breathtaking and amazing, sometimes these can surprise us. Stay blessed brother.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you very much. Glad you liked it.
Welcome. 🙂
Apreciado @r2cornell, su post está lleno de vida y color con las hermosas flores que publicas. La fotografía del invierno resalta aun más los vibrantes colores de las flores.
Aplaudimos tu publicación y tus mensajes.
Dear @ r2cornell, your post is full of life and color with the beautiful flowers you publish. Winter photography highlights even more the vibrant colors of flowers.
We applaud your post and your messages
Dear @ r2cornell, your post is full of life and color with the beautiful flowers you publish. Winter photography highlights even more the vibrant colors of flowers.
We applaud your post and your messages
Muchas gracias. Y gracias por sus amables palabras.
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
Those flowers looks so lovely! Thank you for sharing this with us and may you have a great Year to come! May you continue to be blessed
Thank you very much. Have a great New Year yourself.
Beautiful flowers and happy new year, Sir.
Thank you very much.
Greetings sir @r2cornell. Another mind blowing flowers photography. I enjoy your all great photography....have a nice day sir. God bless you.
Thank you very much.
!COFFEEA $trdo
for you
Thank you
Really a variety of beautiful flowers.
Thank you very much.
Happy new year and thanks for your support.
Thank you very much. Your welcome, and let us all look for a better 2020! Keep up the great work!
Muchas gracias. Sean bienvenidos, y busquemos todos un mejor 2020! Sigan con el gran trabajo!
happy new year hope you are doing good ❤️❤️2020
Thank you.
Regards @r2cornell
I was very excited to see the flower because it is very common in the house where I grew up, my grandmother had them red, white, yellow and pink.
But you have made me investigate because here in Venezuela we call it Cala but it turns out that the Cala is another species, just today I discovered it with your photo.
Thank you for good information.
Thank you. It has some similar characteristics to Cala flower, although this is a leaf in the photo. There are also some similar characteristics to the Peace Lily.
I've more collections of Anturium flowers. However you captured awesome clicks. I always love to read your article with beauty captures.
Thank you very much.
What beautiful flowers. I like red one . Happy new year, Sir.
Thank you very much.
Flowers are definitely a gift from God, I see each one that you have published and each one has its special beauty, despite their differences, each one is so beautiful.
I congratulate you for sharing in each post a little visual joy.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
The photos are great :) I also see snow. Is it snowing there? Thanks
Thank you very much. Currently it has warmed up and a lot of the snow melted. There is still plenty on the ground and we will have more before winter is over.
Wow nice very very photo graphe
Thank you very much.
Esta publicación ha sido seleccionada para el reporte de Curación Diaria.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
I also joined your Discord Channel to learn more about your curation project.
Muchas gracias. Se lo agradezco.
También me uní a su Canal de la Discordia para aprender más sobre su proyecto de curación.
the red color of the flower is very impressive for its beauty, it is extraordinary
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
very interesting with a beautiful flower color, I like it very much
Thank you very much.
Thank you
I @r2cornell I really liked your Post, the photographs and the content, I am from Venezuela and I love that you put the translation of the content, because it reads the basics of English hahaha... Best regards
Muchas gracias. Bienvenido a mi blog. Me alegro de que os guste la traducción. Lentamente estoy mejorando con el uso de software de traducción.
Thank you very much. Welcome to my blog. I am happy you like the translation. I am slowly getting better using translation software.
Funciona muy bien el traductor, entendí todo a la perfección :D
Hello sir @r2cornell. Hope you always in happiness and healthy.
Let me please to tell what I see for your great post.
First, I saw some your posts included a photo of the deer and its growth. I think if the title of the post about beautiful flowers may not have a relation if the deer is used as a closing post. Because some comments only see flower photos and comments only about it. Really, I don't mean to criticize your post sir, really. But if next you have the chance, then deer photography and growth will be special if posted separately. I will wait for it. This will be a new side and has good value for your next post. I hope you don't mind with my comments because I also learn from you in writing and photography.
Second, in this post you told us about your feeling to facing new year with some colorful flowers. Its mean we must keep spirit and more enjoy this year. I agree with your word in this post. Colour is energy, colour increase our spirit. Its great connection from your post. Proud of you.
My regard and blessing
Vote and resteem
Thank you very much for the feedback. I do not have the time to do more than 1 post per week. I am limited in the number of wildlife photographs that I have so I put one in each post if I have them. The big focus remains the flowers.
I see, I understand now. Forgive me sir because don't know the situation. God bless you
I always appreciate feedback. It keeps me thinking on how to improve. Your suggestions are valid. The centerpiece are the flowers, but some followers focus in on wildlife.
If I did extra posts I would need to lower my percentage I vote on comments. So more work and less earnings for others.
Thank you for your input.
Bendita naturaleza
tu existencia el entorno engalana
con tan hermosas flores
cautivas y recreas el alma.
Muchas gracias. Y gracias por sus amables palabras.
I really like the color red, especially with flowers that are full of broken red
Thank you very much.
Thanks for your support @r2cornell. We like your positive points of view on steemit experience, and we hope you continue publishing once a week those beautiful flowers that make us happier.
Kind regards,
Steemitas Club Team
Your welcome and thank you for your comment.
Outstanding photo shoot
Thank you very much.
Beautiful natural colors to enjoy what a nice start :)
happy new years lots of love and happiness :)
Thank you very much. let us look forward to a wonderful 2020
1st one is the best
It is a beauty.
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
Nice to see your post again sir. Such a Beautiful informative post. God bless you.
Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!
On Sunday my curation project publishes a Curation Report. It is published by @dsc-r2cornell.
Also consider joining my community on Discord ( there are channels for you to leave links to your posts/publication. It also can give you the opportunity to look at other user's work.
Such a great project. I am so excited.
Tus fotografías de flores son muy buenas. Prefiero las flores ya que para mi representan calidez y buen clima.
La primer foto es impresionante; sus pétalos parecen plastificados.
Respecto a los problemas que señalas en steemit, también he notado este comportamiento.
Espero que tengas un gran 2020.
Te envio un gran abrazo!
Muchas gracias.
Very Beautiful Flowers In My Country We can not See these Types Of flowers Such a Lovely Flowers sir
Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!
Great Photography
Thank you.
The color of the flowers are breath-taking @r2cornell
When I was a boy I pulled the Anthurium flower of my Uncle's wife, she couldn't scold me and just asked why I did that which I shouldn't, I thought thta it was no big deal though. :D
Thank you. One sometimes cannot help themselves from picking a pretty flower...especially when one is young.
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
very nice photography my dear friend
Thank you
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
অনেক সুন্দর পোস্ট শেয়ার করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ
এটি একটি সদৃশ মন্তব্য।
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