I Know You Are Still Alive

Raynell was hiding in a remote log cabin deep in the forest, and as he laid on the ground, he ran his hand over his large stomach, which had hardened like a stone shell.
"My little one, our place is safe. You need not be afraid and crumple yourself."

A moment later, his stomach went from being stiff to soft. Raynell laughed and said:
"It's all right now."

He stared at the ceiling and thought to himself if he would be able to give birth to this child safely and if he died during childbirth, who would want to take care of his child?

He shook his head to get rid of the negative thoughts.
"I must think of the good things, that my child, the descendant of the great vampire will become very powerful in the future and save his kind from this miserable situation."

At this moment, he felt a slight pain in his lower abdomen. He put his hand on it and said with concern:
"My little one, are you okay?"

He got up and went to his bag which was in the corner of the hut and took out some herbs and put them in his mouth and started chewing.
"I wonder what the members of the wizarding community are doing right now?

They loved me as long as I was a polite slave and listened to their command. But when I opposed their actions, they got angry with me and sent me to the lair of vampires to die.

But things didn't go as they expected and my dear vampire Karmi fell in love with me and we got married and now his child is in my womb.

But I don't know where Karmi is now. I hope that he has not fallen into the trap of wizards and that he can reach me soon."

After eating the medicinal herbs, he laid down on the ground again, closed his eyes and slept, and saw the sorcerers putting a dagger into Karmi's heart and dragging his body on the ground.

He screamed and woke up to see a wizard standing over him. He wanted to cast a spell on him, but he couldn't, because he had lost his powers due to pregnancy.

He got up and took out a knife from his pocket and attacked the sorcerer, but the sorcerer took the knife from him with one hand and sent a spell to his stomach with the other hand.

Blood flowed from Raynell's lower body and he let out a painful scream and fell to the ground, and while taking his last breaths, he said in his mind:
"My dear Karmi, I know you still have life left in you. Please stay alive and avenge me and your child."

And after saying these words, his tense body relaxed and his eyes remained fixed on one point.
