Ah! Right on! So your deep into it then! Honestly though... if your going to invest! Why not wade into the deep end of the pool right? It's way more fun and rewarding that way! I think that this is a good approach for venture investments as bleeding edge as this because often your betting on the jockey rather than the horse... and, as is typical with these sorts of investments, being hands on helps because it's all hands on deck! 🙌
That's cool that your using diesel pools to fund promotional tournaments like this! SMART!
I'll be checking in from time to time just to see how things are going!
Best of luck my friend! 🙂
You too & thanks! also I am a different dynamic than the one in discord, my discord name is troy g#9925 just so you know we are different people
There! Just sent you a friend request. Did you get it?
nope? will look in morning
Hmmm... I wasn't really sure about the Discord handle. It looks like there was a space and a letter 'g' in there that didn't belong.
Anyways! If you would like to add me my Discord handle is "wil.metcalfe#3506"!
Have a good night and I'll chat with you tomorrow! 🙂
I’m so glad to hear this! That means I haven’t been at odds with you my friend.
There has been some tense moments on Discord (and Hive) lately and I’m just glad to hear that it was not with you.
Thanks for clearing thatUP in my mind. It does feel good to know this… 😌
Strange thing though…
Around the time him and I were talking on Discord you added me over here on Hive! I think that’s why I thought you and him were the same. 🤔
I’ll add you over on Discord!
Thanks for following me as well by the way! 😀
i know him in real life and our Dynamic names came from the same biz, i was there that day, talked very little cause busy as usual