A day for an underrated restaurant.

in Daily Bloglast month

Hello everyone,

I hope you all are doing fine. In a person's life, something new happens every day that has never happened before and will never happen again. Similarly, each day in my life brings something new. Sometimes it's in the form of entertainment, and sometimes in the form of boredom. Let's see what i have today for my daily blog.

But yesterday brought a good activity in the form of entertainment. A friend of mine came to my room and said, "Hey Ahmad, I want to eat pizza today. I'm tired of eating at all the famous pizza brands in our city." So I told him, "Hey, let's try an underrated brand today. Let's see if their taste is really bad or if people just say that."

So we went out and reached 14th Street. No, not the city's 14th Street, but the restaurant named 14th Street. The restaurant looked good, but the space was a bit tight, so we went to the upper floor. There was only one table left, so we sat there. The tight space and the rush of people made us quite uneasy. We sat for a while looking around to observe the surrounding.

Well, if you look carefully the whole upper area is shown in these three pictures and that was the whole area of the restaurant. I also saw some people standing and waiting for a table to get free so that they can also sit.

Anyway, the waiter came, and we ordered wings and a regular-sized pizza. Despite the overcrowded, the service was quite good. We thought the waiter would take a long time to come, but he arrived on time to take our order. From my friend's expression, it seemed he didn't like the restaurant much. But we were waiting for the order to get served. Meanwhile i tried my aesthetic shots skill (rate me in comments how i did that)

This was a light not working anymore... So i made the right angle, lowered the brightness and gave it a click. How is it?

When our order was served, my friend, who was very hungry, dug in right away.

Hmmm, it wasn't bad guys (honest review). My eating speed paced after the first bite because the taste was good of the wings and the pizza too. I was thinking of an average taste but it was more than average. My friend also had the same reaction.

We finished the whole stuff in just 10 minutes i guess or less.

drinks time

Overall the only disappointing thing was the tight space of the restaurant. Otherwise i would have given it a 10/10 rating but this thing will not make me able to. I also asked the restaurant manager and he said they only had this space available in this area and they can't yet afford to buy a large area. And yes, i learned one thing that never beleive on rumours unless you try something yourself. I will visit this restaurant someday soon...

Well, that's all from my side.



In which sector this restaurant is located ! Please tell me I will also go to have this yummy looking pizza.

Nah, you are not going to pay a visit. I know, so I won't tell

Hold on to those friends who drop in out of the blue and plans come up, my friends always know I'm at home and sometimes they drop in on me out of the blue. Before with my ex-girlfriend we used to go out to try hamburgers from different places, it was something fun and we tried very tasty things.

Those are some kind of real blessings in our life. I just love it when you are a bit bored and someone is there to cheer you up.

The pizza looks yummyyyy ngl 💅

It was :)

Well said, don't always believe what people say. The pizza looks very yummy 😋.

Pizza is my favorite too. The photographs are beautiful. @ahmedhayat

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