My nephew and I work very hard every day (he more than I), usually also on weekends, but yesterday was Women's Day and our wives had been anxiously waiting for a more than deserved night out.
They know the city, so they picked the place. A pizzería where people mostly drink and sing karaoke.
We did not have confirmation until 9 pm. My nephew had to work until 7 pm and he's the driver. In fact, we were watching a movie and, not used to going out late, we thought we would go to bed early.
However, we did not daré to ruin the mood once they had made up their minds, and my nieces, who does love to go out and is fun to be around, really wanted to share with us.
So, here we were, drinking, dancing and singing along an energetic but friendly crowd.
They had contests, "crazy hour," and all kinds of surprises.
My wife was so down in the list to sing that by 3 am, closing time, there were still 8 ahead of her. So, they just sang along whoever got the mic and they improvised their own 🤭
At some point, they called a woman from our table for a contest (no details). My wife sprang up, only to discover she would have to sing in portuguese (which she doesn't speak). To cap it all, the random song they showed on the screen for her none of US had ever heard! 😱
However, the crowd was so cool they cheered for my wife even harder and our table ended up winning a bucket of beers. Fair enough, the other contestant also won a bucket for her table.
It was a great night. We had so much fun! I don't remember the last time I had done this.
The wives were happy and that was the goal of the night.
Wuo que dia tan divertido! gracias por compartirlo! 😀