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RE: Could it be "us"

in Daily Blog7 months ago

I like your husband's attitude. It's like that old joke about the guy who for years prays "oh Lord please let me win the lottery, please let me win." Finally, fed up, God throws down a lighting bolt, and shouts "buy a stinking ticket already!". :D

I like the idea of acclimatizing to the cold, especially since today has been the first cold day here, rainy too, and I was reluctant about stepping out. Finally got myself out the door, and immediately felt so good when that fresh air hit. Gotta keep working towards acclimatization, 'cause four months of indoor life doesn't sound like life.


Haha! I never heard that joke before, but it's super funny 😆

You've been lucky weather-wise. It's been cold and rainy here for quite some time, and today is Mordor (as hubby would say).
I'm happy that you went out today, and as soon as this storm passes I'll try to go out even for brief walks too.

Once I'm dressed for the weather wearing comfy boots/shoes, I'm okay.

Have a lovely day:)))