Movie Night: Avatar 2

in Daily Bloglast year

Last Monday, my sister suggested we go out to watch Avatar 2. It was an impromptu decision and it was already past 9 pm. She went online to check the showtimes for the movie and the last one for the day was at 10:30 pm.
It was 10:15 when we left home and there was a possibility we wouldn’t be allowed in if we got there too late.

We got there 20 minutes later and the movie must have started by then.

We went straight to get our tickets. Since we were late, there was no queue so we didn’t waste much time.

We got into the cinema and the movie was already showing.
Honestly I forgot what Avatar was all about cause it’s been so many years since I watched watched the first one. My cousin mentioned a few things and I remembered the whole concept. Since we were late and the movie was showing already, we couldn’t really decide on a good place to sit we were just trying to find 4 empty seats together. When we did, we realized why no one was there. It was right in front of an Air conditioner. No one was well dressed for that so the whole time was uncomfortable.
The movie was great. And I was really enjoying it until I fell asleep. I had been occupied the whole day with some work. And I knew I was tired but I didn’t think I would end up sleeping like that. When I finally woke up, it was at its most interesting part. The protagonist family had lost a son and it was so sad. I was able to keep my eyes open this time till the end of the movie.

When we came out of the cinema, it was time to take pictures but I wasn’t in the mood for it so I just watched them take theirs.

We finally left and this was around 1:30 am. The parking lot empty.

When we got to the car, my sister noticed a crack in front of the car and spent a few minutes looking at it.

I finally decided to get a picture using the lighting from the Christmas tree.

We got home at exactly 2:00 am and I and my cousin had already slept off. We got in and went straight to bed.
For the movie, I think I need to watch it again when I’m much relaxed to get it all in.


Avatar was interesting movie that came out this year. It's just nice movie to watch with your family or friends as I think the movie touched on family relationship too. Since you fell asleep, best to re-watch it again :)

Yes. It’s best to rewatch it but knowing myself, I doubt I will be doing that. I was only able to watch because there were others around me

Honestly I forgot what Avatar was all about cause it’s been so many years since I watched watched the first one.

This is one of the biggest mistakes the show makers made in releasing the new avatar. They made us wait sooooo long to see the sequel. Children were born and are almost becoming adolescents by now and we’ve still been waiting. Like come on. Most people who wanted to watch Avatar: Way Of The Water had to rewatch the original Avatar all over to jog their memory on the storyline.

I haven’t seen it yet for that reason. Rewatching the old Avatar is just difficult for me when there are so many new movies out I haven’t seen yet.

At the time I even watched the first, I didn’t really understand but sitting down to watch it again will be hard. Even this second one, I wonder if I will be able to sit and watch it again

This was a refreshing way of starting the year. Avatar 2 in my watchlist but I've not gotten the chance to enjoy it. I hope I'll not be disappointed after watching it 😅.

Oh you will not be disappointed I think🤔. You should watch it

This was a refreshing way of starting the year. Avatar 2 in my watch list but I've not gotten the chance to enjoy it. I hope I'll not be disappointed after watching it 😅.

I’ve heard a lot about this Avatar movie but I have this feeling it will be boring. Don’t know why.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t really enjoy it then.

Well you could say it’s a bit boring cause all the action is towards the end. So you just keep watching and get tired

I’ll just end up sleeping. 😂