🍓 {11/05/24} ✦ [DAILY BLOG] My first live tutorial, an unexpected farewell, and a quick recommendation of good anime 🍵 🎐 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in Daily Blog10 months ago


✦ Hello everyone! I hope you are all feeling well. Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I sincerely hope you have a nice day surrounded by your loved ones 🍰 🫂 - Editing and Collage made with FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia

🇪🇸 ~ Está de moda hablar de "eventos canónicos" y si bien prefiero enumerar las cosas buenas, éste Abril replicó el Abril de 2023, que fue especialmente complicado en muchos sentidos: Desde el fallecimiento de familiares significativos, lesiones, accidentes, y una larga y curiosa lista de eventos desafortunados mezclados con grandes oportunidades (el año pasado recibí muchas noticias espectaculares en el tema laboral, fue un contraste rarísimo).

🇺🇸 ~ It is fashionable to talk about “canonical events” and while I prefer to list the good things, this April replicated April 2023, which was especially complicated in many ways: from the death of significant family members, injuries, accidents, and a long and curious list of unfortunate events mixed with great opportunities (last year I received a lot of spectacular news on the labor front, it was a very rare contrast).


✦ I moved the furniture in the sewing room and now I have more light on the main table! ✦

He pospuesto muchísimos planes por temas de salud y en este momento estoy luchando por ponerme al día con todo lo bonito que no he podido comenzar pero que deje bien planificado, solo a la espera de un tiempo libre o un día sin malestar. Pero eso no significa que he estado congelada mientras trabajaba por esos días más ideales para la creatividad.

I have postponed so many plans due to health issues and right now I am struggling to catch up with all the beautiful things I have not been able to start but left well planned, just waiting for a free time or a day without discomfort. But that doesn't mean I've been frozen while working for those more ideal days for creativity.


✦ I made a live through my Instagram account about basic notions of beading and beading embroidery. And I ended up in the program completing the pearl brooch that you see in the pictures ✦

Uno de los proyectos que he pospuesto reiteradamente es hacer un programa de lives cortos semanales a modo de taller-tutorial para enseñar técnicas específicas para embellecer proyectos de costura o de props. Pude realizar una primera prueba y salió bastante bien en el aspecto del feed-back con el público (¡se conectaron muchas personas! Y después tuve una lluvia inesperada de mensajes al privado), pero por otro lado esa prueba me permitió comprobar que hay muchos aspectos que debo cuidar y mejorar para la próxima prueba; por ejemplo, ¡mucho ruido de fondo!, y tambien debo preparar un guion y esforzarme por seguirlo.

One of the projects that I have repeatedly postponed is to make a program of weekly short lives as a workshop-tutorial to teach specific techniques to embellish sewing or props projects. I was able to do a first test and it went quite well in terms of audience feedback (lots of people connected! And then I had an unexpected shower of private messages), but on the other hand this test allowed me to check that there are many aspects that I must take care of and improve for the next test; for example, a lot of background noise, and I must also prepare a script and make an effort to follow it.


✦ I found this picture while cleaning the memory of my cell phone, it is the last treatment the doctors prescribed for Dante before he got really sick ✦

En un tono más delicado, y no estoy ni remotamente lista para hablar de eso, la salud de Dante se complicó, y tomamos en familia la decisión de dejarlo ir. Ya escribí sobre eso a modo de catarsis y terapia pero es una nota que no sé si compartiré. Siento que debo mencionarlo porque muchos amigos lo conocieron y sé que le tenían auténtico cariño, y el a ellos, así que si conociste a Dante, si, el ya partió, el 7 de Abril por la mañana.

On a more delicate note, and I am not even remotely ready to talk about it, Dante's health got complicated, and we made a family decision to let him go. I've written about that as a catharsis and therapy but it's a note I don't know if I'll share. I feel I should mention it because many friends knew him and I know they were really fond of him, and he of them, so if you knew Dante, yes, he already left, on April 7th in the morning.


✦ Every morning and every evening ✦

Los michis en casa han sido de gran ayuda y una compañía constante que en verdad agradezco; el proceso ha sido delicado y doloroso, fueron unos hermosos 13 años, y la casa se siente muy diferente, vacía. La rutina de todos cambió y aun no nos acostumbramos.

The michis at home have been a great help and a constant companion that I really appreciate; the process has been delicate and painful, it has been a beautiful 13 years, and the house feels very different, empty. Everyone's routine has changed and we are still not used to it.


✦ Topaz and Tokio continue to sleep in this way, always one against the other and putting their little paws together ✦


✦ Topaz is very spoiled and spends most of the day like this. He is currently the biggest and heaviest cat in the litter ✦


✦ Tokio is the most affectionate of the twins and the one who spends the most time with me in the morning. He is very beautiful and healthy ✦

Aún me cuesta trabajo creer que ha pasado menos de 1 año desde que nacieron, después de todo lo ocurrido desde el años pasado, siento que ha pasado mucho más tiempo que ese. Cumplirán 12 meses en Julio y espero a que cumplan esa edad para esterilizarlos a todos a la vez, aun no marcan territorio y en la consulta veterinaria me dijeron que no estan completamente desarrollados, y que para evitar futuras enfermedades, lo más seguro era esperar a que cumplieran 1 año de vida para su castración.

I still find it hard to believe that less than 1 year has passed since they were born, after everything that has happened since last year, I feel that much more time has passed than that. They will be 12 months old in July and I am waiting until they reach that age to spay them all at the same time, they are not marking territory yet and at the vet's office they told me that they are not fully developed, and that to avoid future diseases, the safest thing to do was to wait until they are 1 year old to castrate them.


✦ I found pictures of the day they were born! Just 2 hours after birth. I gave Galatea raw egg yolk to recover her strength, I saw that a famous cat breeder did it some time ago ✦

¡Eran tan pequeños y lindos! Parecían crías de ratones, fueron bebes pequeñitos pero muy saludables, y Galatea fue extraordinaria, su parto salió muy bien y aunque los primeros días maullaba muchisimo, quiero creer que eran nervios de mamá primeriza mezclada con orgullo por sus crías, fueron bebés chiquitos, pero muy preciosos tambien.

They were so small and so cute! They looked like mice, they were tiny but very healthy babies, and Galatea was extraordinary, her delivery went very well and although the first few days she meowed a lot, I want to believe it was first time mommy nerves mixed with pride for her babies, they were tiny babies, but very precious too.


✦ I have slept a lot and work in the evenings when it is quiet, it is very comforting to see the kittens at that time ✦


✦ I think they like the light of the lamp very much... ✦


✦ That was a very nice night, everything was quiet and it was pleasantly cold. By the way! When I feel better I will restore that lamp, it is a resent acquisition that I really liked, I will paint its base in an old gold color and I will change the fabric lining for an arabesque pattern ✦


✦ Kamui seems especially delighted by the soft warmth radiating from the lamp ✦

Verlos así me reconforta el corazón, todos estan sanos y cuidados, en casa nos esforzamos mucho por mantenerlos en un espacio seguro donde no se expongan a accidentes o personas malas. Justo ayer en emergencia veterinaria tuvieron que dormir al gatito de unos vecinos, porque amanecio con la carita rota... una fractura en 2 partes de la mandíbula terriblemente doloroso y complicado de tratar (desconocemos el motivo porque lo que sea que pasó, las sospechan estan entre haber sido víctima de maltrato por "unos niños", o golpeado por un vehículo durante la madrugada), esa experiencia mermo mucho mi ánimo, era un gatito hermoso de 2 años a lo mucho, color negro, saludable y fuerte, simplemente no fue justo.

Seeing them like this comforts my heart, they are all healthy and well cared for, at home we try very hard to keep them in a safe space where they are not exposed to accidents or bad people. Just yesterday in veterinary emergency they had to put to sleep the kitten of some neighbors, because he woke up with a broken face... a fracture in 2 parts of the jaw terribly painful and complicated to treat (we do not know the reason because whatever happened, suspicions are between being a victim of abuse by “some children”, or hit by a vehicle during the early morning), that experience greatly dampened my mood, it was a beautiful kitten 2 years old at most, black, healthy and strong, it was just not fair.


"Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijō wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyū Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu Suru" (ループ7回目の悪役令嬢は、元敵国で自由気ままな花嫁生活を満喫する?), also known as "7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!" o simplemente "7th Time Loop" / / 1 - 2 ✦


✦ These were some of my favorite outfits from the main character, and of course they make it onto my wish list of projects! / / - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ✦

En los días que ha sido casi obligatorio guardar reposo, he podido ver series que tengo en la lista de "pendientes": "7th Time Loop - The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!" o simplemente "7th Time Loop" es una que recomiendo 100% con los ojos cerrados.

In the days that it has been almost mandatory to rest, I have been able to watch series that I have on my “to watch” list: “7th Time Loop" - "The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!"” or simply "7th Time Loop” is one that I recommend 100% with my eyes closed.

Despues pude ver la primera temporada de "Golden Kamuy" e inicio de la segunda temporada. Una querida amiga a la que admiro mucho me la recomendó y creo es de las mejores recomendaciones que he recibido este año. Plus! No sabía que tendría adaptación a Live Action!.

Then I was able to watch the first season of "Golden Kamuy” and the beginning of the second season. A dear friend who I admire very much recommended it to me and I think it is one of the best recommendations I have received this year. Plus, I didn't know it would be adapted to Live Action!.

Despues de "7th Time Loop" y el inicio de "Golden Kamuy" (van 4 temporadas), y algunos fanfic Hualian (estoy enganchada con la divergencia de canon donde Hua Cheng encuentra a Xie Lian antes de su tercera ascensión, lo saca del ataúd y le ayuda con su recuperación), retomé "Los Hombres de mi Harem" en Weebtoon cuando recordé lo mucho que me gustaba Latil y darme cuenta que no había guardado referencias de los trajes que más me gustan de ella para mi lista de Cosplans; quedé en el capítulo 109.

After "7th Time Loop" and the start of "Golden Kamuy" (going on 4 seasons), and some Hualian fanfic (I'm hooked on the canon divergence where Hua Cheng finds Xie Lian before his third ascension, pulls him out of the coffin and helps him with his recovery), I picked up "The Men of My Harem" on Weebtoon when I remembered how much I liked Latil and realized I hadn't saved references to the costumes I like most of hers for my list of Cosplans; I was down to chapter 109.

Lentamente pero con seguridad, mi vida se re-organiza en función de tantos cambios y acontecimientos inesperados. Ante todo, espero que mis amigos estén bien, y que sepan que los extraño mucho, muchísimo 💕

Slowly but surely, my life is re-organizing itself based on so many unexpected changes and events. First of all, I hope my friends are well, and know that I miss them very, very much 💕

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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? [email protected] 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸4 ⚜


Que belleza esos michis.

Gracias Mari! Acá los cuidamos mucho 💕

Hello @tesmoforia, I am very sorry for the whole situation you have been experiencing.
Resting and distracting yourself by doing different series can be a great idea.
I hope you have much success with your sewing projects.
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful Sunday

Thank you so much for the empathy @jlufer, sometimes I feel guilty for doing nothing and staying still to rest, but resting half-heartedly is bad for your health, it's complicated to get a balance. Thanks for your good wishes! I hope you have a beautiful week! 💐 👏

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