Playa de La Tejita (2024.07.25)

in Daily Bloglast month

I went a little bit into the ocean with my clothes from the Playa de La Tejita beach after a long time. The last time I visited this beach was multiple months ago. Maybe a year ago. I do not even remember exactly.

This beach is not as windy as the nearby El Médano.
And there were not as many people either.
At least today. Maybe other times are different.

The temperature was 28 °C.

My clothes completely dried after approximately one hour walking.

If you visit Tenerife, then I would gladly recommend this beach.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.


Que rico es reconectar con la naturaleza y gozar el presente. Saludos

Llevo un año viviendo así casi todos los días. Vine a Tenerife por primera vez en 2023. Desde entonces he vivido la mayor parte del tiempo en el semidesierto rocoso, a unos 40 minutos a pie de la playa.

It looks really nice there. There's nothing quite as relaxing as swimming in the ocean! Does your falcon stay in the cage when you take excursions like this?

Yes. She is in her aviary, when I go out for things like bathing in the ocean, buying food in the store, etc. I go out mostly only for two hours (or for less) (the walk is usually 20-40 minutes, depending on where I go), so not for a long time.

That makes sense. I"m sure she's comfortable in her aviary.

Yes. She is calmly sitting in it. And she is sitting mostly on my arm. She still fear from and scream at dogs, but she will get used to them over time.

What an amazing place