My Advertising Event at school : CAAP'25, - The Best Ads are the ones that make you feel Something.

in Hive Reachout16 days ago (edited)

Jeff Goodby said and I quote
"The best ads are the ones that make you feel something"
And I must say that's the truth .
Apart from a feeling, you know you've watched an amazing ad when you've been persuaded to buy or patronize the product,idea or service being advertised.

So this week we had one of the biggest advertising events in my school named CAAP an acronym for Communication Arts Advertising Project and I thought to share it here.
It was an amazing experience advertising real life brands .
It's more interesting because this was our Continuous assessment for an advertising Course called "Advertising Creative Strategies" course Code (COM 315)
I study Communication and Media Studies in school and apart from Journalism, Broadcasting, Public Relations, Film and Multimedia studies...... , Advertising is one of the most important courses we study in my faculty and our course lecturer decided to give us the advertising experience by making us go out there to look for real life brands to advertise.

Because we're students, most of our brands sponsored us and in return we gave them visibility, social media followership, and patronage with our Ads.
It was great learning the practical aspect of this course and it was rounded up with an event to show our progress with the brands advertised,it also gave us a better understanding of the course.
To be honest I've come to love advertising,i just want to put out brands, ideas and services out there with amazing ads that are laced with creativity and innovation.

For our project we were divided into 12 groups and i was in group number 2.
Our group was named BrandBuzz Agency and we prioritize innovation and creativity as a core value of the agency.
Our aim was to create visibility and ensure patronage through persuasion with our ads .
I was the Head of Media department and my job was to boost followership of the brands social media account by posting ad videos shot by my media team for the brand
During the presentation i participated by presenting my brand to everyone and my colleague took over by presenting the brand we were advertising. It was a fashion brand named Bukelz Fashion.
Our lectures were proud of us for our efforts and dedication to the project.
At the end of the day it was a successful event.
I took pictures with my Course lecturer, my fellow HOD's and of course my amazing group members.

I thought to do a vlog about it and share it with y'all
Here's the link to my vlog about the event on YouTube

Please watch ..
Thank you.


Wow! It's nice how your lecturer saw the need to put you guys out there and give you the real life experience first hand. And the most beautiful thing is that you find joy doing what you love and in this case, advertising /social media influencing. Nice writeup and a good read.

Thank you so much
It was an amazing experience
Thank you for reading through as well