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RE: Church of the Ascension - Centuries-Old Architecture Gained a New Life

I did not think that the blue color of the church symbolizes unity with heaven. Great idea. I have always thought that Blue is perceived as calm, it is designed to relax and bring a sense of peace and harmony. But the blue churches really look spectacular and peaceful. There are not so many wooden churches in Belarus, but this makes them more valuable. In some cases, I would also prefer a wooden building than a stone one.
I hope that in the future you will be able to visit the iconic places of Belarus. I will be happy to compile a guide for you or be your personal guide. 😊 All the best and best regards :)

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yes, the color blue and its role are indeed connected. A wonderful combination of color and architecture - symbolism in every detail. I, too, most often turned my gaze to the west. Previously, I did not pay attention to the fact that interesting places and buildings surround me here. In fact, architectural masterpieces surround us even in our native lands. It's nice to realize that there are like-minded people who are also not indifferent to the fate of the architecture of their country.
Wish you have a nice weekend 😊