Architectural Photography: Lhokseumawe State Islamic Institute

Hello friends hive everyone ...
Before discussing further about architecture, first I want to introduce myself, my name is Saiful Bahri, on social media I am familiarly called ipolatjeh, I live in Indonesia, precisely in the province of Aceh.
Why am I attracted to the community
Architecture + Design because first I want to show the world of architectural buildings in the city where I live, there are many historical buildings that have high historical value and they should be seen by the outside world.
On this occasion I would like to show you all the architectural pieces of the State Islamic Institute that have historical value.
Lhokseumawe State Islamic Institute is a transformation of the Academy of Religious Sciences (AIA) which was initiated by Drs. Tgk. H. A. Wahab Dahlawi, while serving as regent of North Aceh. Together with other community leaders.

Photo from the front

This building has just been completed at the end of 2020, where this building is one of the important icons at the institution.
Lhokseumawe State Islamic Institute (IAIN Lhokseumawe) is a State Islamic College in Lhokseumawe City, Aceh province, Indonesia. IAIN Lhokseumawe was founded based on the Presidential Decree (Perpres) Number 72 of 2016. [1] [2]
According to Wikipedia ..

Photo from the side

The architectural beauty of this building makes people amazed by those who see it, even when the afternoon is crowded people who visit to just take pictures of the building to be used as personal profile photos.
Likewise, I will show the world that in my city there are beautiful architectural buildings ...

Photo from the side

Building wall motifs

There are still many historical architectural buildings, in the city where I live. And I'm going to show that into the community
Architecture + Design.
Those are some snippets of my Architectural Photography today I hope you'll be happy to see them.
Greetings to the leaders of the Architecture + Design community @aplusd
for allowing me to participate in the world of architecture.


Hello @ipolatjeh1988, and welcome to the Architecture+Design Community!

Your first content in our community about one of the recently built buildings in your area (Lhokseumawe State Islamic Institute) is indeed a magnificent piece of modern Islamic architecture. I'm pretty sure there are other remarkable architectural gems waiting to be discovered there, and we're excited to see more of them in your next publication. Great post!

Thank you sir for your support .. Yes, it is true that the new building has just been completed at the end of 2020, for the next time I will visit the historic mesium in the Dutch era, look forward to my next post, sir.

Welcome to the Architecture+Design Community!, @ipolatjeh1988. The Muslim architecture always incorporate with the curves and domes. The wall patterns at the intrance of Lhokseumawe State Islamic Institute is so inviting. No wonder:

The architectural beauty of this building makes people amazed by those who see it, even when the afternoon is crowded people who visit to just take pictures of the building to be used as personal profile photos.

Thank you for sharing! Keep Hiving!

Thank you sir..
Tolong dukung saya agar saya terus berkembang untuk menampilkan gambar-gambar arsitektur yang terdapat di kota saya tinggal

Good afternoon @ipolatjeh1988, the entrance horseshoe arch with the mashrabiya at the porte-cochere is my favorite feature in this Modern Islamic building. Thank you for sharing it with us and welcome to the Architecture + Design Community!

Thank you @discoveringarni, look forward to my next post, which will showcase historical architectural buildings in my city.

 3 years ago  

Hello @ipolatjeh1988, pleased to meet you here, and welcome to the Architecture + Design Community!

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