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RE: Sustainable Architecture | Arquitectura Sostenible - Sustentable | HOGAR VERDE🍃 ENG | ESP

in Architecture+Design3 years ago

Greetings @cvnuitter! Congratulations on your new home at HOGAR VERDE! Sustainable architecture will constantly be a hot topic because ideally, this is the way to go! Architects, designers, homeowners, and everyone involved in the building industry must care for Mother Nature for our planet's long-term survival. In fact, all highly progressive and developing nations must follow the excellent initiatives, values, and programs of your Eco-Village. We would appreciate it if you could feature more environmentally-friendly projects from Hogar Verde, and showcase them here. I'd love to see more of them!

A warm welcome to the Architecture+Design Community! We're glad you found us, and we look forward to your next awesome publication!


Really super happy to be here at Architecture + Design, it's great to have a community that enjoys the same passions.

Sustainable, environmentally friendly architecture is the way forward. Like you, I dream that every day there will be more and more of us who bet on it.

We are very happy with the whole concept that we have been developing with the architects, I will continue to show more of what we are going to do. Thank you for this wonderful welcome and for being interested in our project!!!! 😊💫😁