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RE: Visiting the Napoleonic Museum of Havana

Nothing would bother me from visiting Cuba, except for the lack of money 😂 Yes, the pandemic was tough on everyone, there were also challenges with healthcare workers. We were exhausted, working 12-hour shifts, five days a week, and many people couldn't handle it anymore, so they quit. Consequently, our department is facing a severe shortage of staff 😔 Yes, Austria is stunning, and it offers more opportunities for us to establish our lives there. Learning German was challenging, but I eventually mastered it 😂


The pandemic was hard for everyone in general, health workers had to face very difficult situations.
I hope that when you can come our country is in better conditions.

I really hope to be able to visit in the next 5 years :) posts about Cuba are motivating me, so maybe it'll happen sooner than I expect 😂

The Napoleonico and many more that you will surely like. I post a lot about the places I visited here, so I'll tag you in my next post about Havana.

Yes please do that ;) Thank u ☺️