Finding loopholes as a side hustle

Finding tax loopholes like using the mtm tts election to be able to treat any losses on stocks as ordinary and unlimited then say shoring the btc etf and eth etf and go long the futures in a solo 401K to not pay any tax and you then take the position and close it for a gain in the 401k and a loss on the outside assuming you used a s corp as you cant revoke this election but can close a s corp and it is easier to qualify as a s corp as that is the main trade or business of the s corp its looked at much more by the IRS for audits of ttd mtm status if its on a schedule C. You can essentially transfer at almost no risk a tax loss to offset any type of income and gain to your tax free accounts. Also passive real estate and opportunity zone funds can help with never paying tax or gain on anything unless you stop investing and all the passthrough deductions and credits stop to. As long as your re invest x amount in certain income streams with a nice tax benefit or loophole you can make it so you never pay taxes and imagine if you had all your tax to invest. I had a client who owned mhps and made 6 million a year never paid a dime in 20 years bc of the tax law lol.

I love finding loopholes and making the law fit my situation for example with the covid business credits I made sure I went and received 10 covid tests to get the maximum 5000 dollar tax credit for that as a refundable credit and you could also get 200 per day for 60 days if you had covid symptoms so any time I had them called my dr and got to quarantine which gives me the credit each day for a total of 15K in refundable tax credits right there then all my stimulus payments since I'm still in 2020 filing my taxes bc you can tech go 3 years lol if you owe nothing and mine are so complicated. Just need to read the tax laws there is always something you can do or change a bit to make more money and no one will tell you.