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RE: Shadow de Chenonceau

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

Yes... I see what you did there...

The effect of having been burglarized most often is felt as having been violated or should I say, expressed in that way; similar to other egregious crimes committed against a person. I have zero sympathy for the burglar who gets caught in the act and seriously maimed as a result...😎


Violated is probably the best way to put it...That's how I felt along with angry and violent also. A person's home is such a personal space...Imagine a caveman coming back to his cave to find someone in residence stealing his sharpened rocks. Food, shelter and warmth are the most basic of human needs and I feel that a person should have the right to defend any of them. I don't want to get political, but that's just my opinion as a former caveman and burglary-victim.