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RE: Shadow Hunters Contest Round 124

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

Hola @melinda010100 y @annephilbrick. Esta es mi entrada el reto de Sombras número 124.

Concurso De Fotografía Muéstrame Una Sombra - Ronda 124

Hello @melinda010100 and @annephilbrick. This is my entry to the Shadow Challenge number 124.
Show Me A Shadow Photo Constest - Round 123


Publicación hecha con @esteemapp. Suerte a los demás concursantes.

Post made with @esteemapp. Good luck to the other contestants.


Thanks for posting into the community. It is no longer required that you post your link here, but it's still a great way to let me know that you have a new entry!

Hola @melinda010100. Muchas gracias por el comentario. Para la próxima semana lo tendré en cuenta. Saludos desde Colombia.

Hello @melinda010100. Thank you very much for the comment. For next week I will consider it. Greetings from Colombia.