Shadow Hunters Contest Round 126 - Show Me A Shadow: I am Shown

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

Thanks a lot to @melinda010100 @pixresteemer @taskmanager and #shadowhunters for the contest initiative. I like to thanks also for all of the participants.

Shadow hunting is a great fun and joy for me. It looks something different from our thrre dimensions.

The photos are of me while I had at beach, I never thought that how much extraordinary shadows would be captured!

This is my entry:


Captured by: Xiaomi Redmi 4x

To participate this contest, go through the link:
Shadow Hunters Contest Round 126 - Show Me A Shadow


Great shadow shot! I love the colors and textures. Thank you for entering!

Thanks a lot for your tip, I hope you will continue your support and motivate us for capturing more exclusive photos and post it. thank you very much..

You are welcome and who knows? You may win and receive even more!


You are entered in this week's contest. The 10 winners will be announced Friday afternoon.
You could win a HSBI share, 100 ESTM tokens and an entry into @pixresteemer's Re-hive contest where you could win a week of free Re-hives for all your posts and also some UFM tokens!

Wooo.. that's really great chance.

🎁 Hi @rimubd! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @melinda010100!

@melinda010100 wrote lately about: Round 125 Shadow Hunters Contest Winners Feel free to follow @melinda010100 if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.