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RE: Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest WINNERS Round 192

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

I would like to congratulate all the prizewinners: @poo8, @hjrrodriguez, @jkp.nisha, @ifarmgirl, @jaci11, @netizen01,, @evagavilan2, @eto-ka, @road2horizon and all the participants.
Another wonderful week of Shadow Hunting! Have an awesome weekend! :)


Friend @zoricatech. Thank you for your congratulations. I am very happy because you chose my shade among many and that makes me put more effort to keep looking for shades for the next week. Happy weekend to you too.😘

Amiga @zoricatech. Gracias por sus felicitaciones. Estoy muy contenta porque escogieron mi sombra entre muchas y eso me hace que ponga más empeño en seguir buscando sombras para la siguiente semana. Feliz fin de semana para usted también. 😘

Thanks for your truly elegant shadow photo, Zori! And as always thanks for your support!

Thank you Zori :) All the best to you and Happy weekend too

@zoricatech🙏, Thanks a lot for your wishes😊

Thanks for the compliments! Great Contest :)