Photo by Storiès on Unsplash
«Se dice que hay varias maneras de mentir; pero la más repugnante de todas es decir la verdad, toda la verdad, ocultando el alma de los hechos».
«It is said that there are several ways of lying; but the most repugnant of all is to tell the truth, the whole truth, hiding the soul of the facts».
— Juan Carlos Onetti
A las 3:30 am, del miércoles de la semana pasada, recibí una llamada de Isaura de que su esposo estaba demasiado grave. Aunque el sueño aún se alojaba en mis ojos, decidí ir de todas maneras para saber que ocurría. Me lavé la cara con agua fría y de inmediato me vestí. Conduje diez minutos hasta la casa de Isaura y su esposo.
Las luces estaban encendidas, toqué la puerta apresurado y casi al instante Isaura me abrió.
—¡Pasa rápido por favor, Gerardo! —Me dijo ella con vos angustiosa.
Agustín se encontraba postrado en el sofá, tenía una sudoración excesiva mientras pronunciaba palabras inenarrables de manera rápida, parecía hablar en un idioma que no conocía. Sus signos vitales estaban acelerados. Su voz pasaba de ronca a aguda en un periodo corto de tiempo. Temblaba. Chillaba. A veces tenía espasmos y los manifestaba con brío.
—¡Por favor, Gerardo, ayúdalo, jamás lo había visto así! —Exclamó con dolor Isaura.
—Tranquila, lo examinaré...
Le pedí a Isaura que sujetara sus brazos mientras le medía la temperatura. Escuché su corazón y este latía casi como el de una ardilla. Su respiración era acelerada, aunque no se notaba a simple vista. Tenía hematomas en el cuello bastante particulares y oscuros, como enormes lunares.
—Vamos a desvestirlo. —Le dije a Isaura y ella me ayudó sin titubear.
Al exponer su torso sin ropa, fuimos observando con espanto más hematomas en toda la extensión de su cuerpo. Eran negros y al tocarlos, poseían una superficie blanda y viscosa, como la jalea.
—¡Dios mío! —Profirió Isaura con los ojos desorbitados.
El padecimiento de Agustín era bastante singular. Jamás había visto algo así. Me volví contra Isaura mientras su esposo berreaba y murmuraba palabras inentendibles.
—Debo hacerte unas preguntas, Isaura, —ella me miró con el horror aún dibujado en su rostro—¿tu esposo comió algo, en la cena tal vez, algo nuevo que le hayas preparado?, quizás esto sea una reacción.
Ella más calmada, respondió.
—No que yo recuerde. Anoche cenamos tostones con queso, jamón y mantequilla, con jugo de durazno. Hemos comido eso anteriormente y nunca le ha caído mal.
Anoté en mi libreta todas las respuestas.
—¿Acaso él ha estado comiendo algo distinto en estos días? ¿Algo en particular?
—La verdad no lo sé, Gerardo, aunque últimamente ha estado visitando el nuevo huerto que está preparando. Hace dos noches, crecieron unas fresas bastante rojas y jugosas, él no se resistió y me dijo que había preparado un jugo con ellas. Me había dejado un poco pero no quise tomar, me sentía mal del estómago.
—Entiendo… ¿podrías mostrarme ese huerto?
Decidimos dejar por un instante a Agustín y nos dirigimos a ese huerto, y para nuestra sorpresa al llegar, las cosas se habían tornado aún más extrañas.
—Pero ¿qué es esto? —Chilló Isaura conmocionada. Ambos nos quedamos inertes mientras observábamos como el huerto brillaba con un color fluorescente gris.
—¿Pero qué demonios? —Espeté, y comencé a dar unos pasos lentos y cautelosos hacia el huerto.
—Ten cuidado, Gerardo, no vaya… ¡Ah! —El grito desgarrador de Isaura se escuchó al final. Volteo y lo primero que veo es a Agustín, brillando con ese resplandor fluorescente y gris. A un lado, tirada en el suelo, se hallaba Isaura, impactada de ver a su esposo con ese aspecto.
Agustín comenzó a acercarse a mí, por un momento pensé que me atacaría así que me aparté, pero su verdadera intención era entrar al huerto. Al estar dentro, un torbellino de bruma brillante comenzó a elevarse hasta el cielo hasta que fue absorbido por las nubes.
Tanto Isaura como yo quedamos petrificados mirando hacia arriba, pero luego corrí hasta dentro de la casa, tomé el teléfono y llamé a las autoridades. La policía llegó, impactada por las cosas extrañas que aún se hallaban en el huerto. Como a eso de las 7:00 am, llegaron funcionarios y científicos del gobierno para analizar el lugar.
Ha pasado más de una semana y Agustín todavía no aparece. Las autoridades gubernamentales no han querido desvelar nada y cubren todo con mentiras para apaciguar a los lugareños. No he visto más a Isaura pues fue desalojada de su casa y colocada en otro sitio para continuar las investigaciones. Todos los días me comunico con ella, dice que todas las noches, desde que se fue Agustín, mira al cielo y siempre vislumbra destellos grises despedidos de las nubes.
At 3:30 am, Wednesday of last week, I received a call from Isaura that her husband was too seriously ill. Although sleep still lingered in my eyes, I decided to go anyway to find out what was going on. I washed my face with cold water and immediately got dressed. I drove ten minutes to Isaura and her husband's house.
The lights were on, I knocked on the door in a hurry and almost instantly Isaura opened it.
-Please come in quickly, Gerardo! -She said to me with an anguished voice.
Agustín was prostrated on the sofa, he was sweating excessively while he was pronouncing unspeakable words in a fast way, he seemed to speak in a language he didn't know. His vital signs were racing. His voice went from hoarse to high-pitched in a short period of time. He trembled. He shrieked. Sometimes he had spasms, and he would show them briskly.
-Please, Gerardo, help him, I've never seen him like this! -Isaura exclaimed in pain.
-Calm down, I'll examine him....
I asked Isaura to hold his arms while I measured his temperature. I listened to his heart and it was beating almost like that of a squirrel. His breathing was rapid, although it was not obvious to the naked eye. He had quite particular and dark bruises on his neck, like huge moles.
-Let's undress him. -I said to Isaura and she helped me without hesitation.
As we exposed his unclothed torso, we observed with horror more bruises all over his body. They were black and when we touched them, they had a soft and viscous surface, like jelly.
-My God! -Isaura said with her eyes wide open.
Agustin's condition was quite unique. I had never seen anything like it. I turned on Isaura as her husband bawled and muttered unintelligible words.
-I must ask you a few questions, Isaura," she looked at me with horror still on her face, "did your husband eat anything, at dinner maybe, something new you prepared for him, maybe this is a reaction?
She calmed down and answered.
-Not that I remember. Last night we had toast with cheese, ham and butter, with peach juice. We've eaten that before and it's never been bad for her.
I wrote down all the answers in my notebook.
-Has he been eating anything different these days? Anything in particular?
-I really don't know, Gerardo, although lately he's been visiting the new vegetable garden he's preparing. Two nights ago, some pretty red and juicy strawberries grew, he couldn't resist and told me he had prepared a juice with them. He had left some for me but I didn't want to drink it, I felt sick to my stomach.
-I understand... could you show me that orchard?
We decided to leave Agustín for a moment and headed for that orchard, and to our surprise when we arrived, things had become even stranger.
-But what is this? -Isaura shrieked in shock. We both stood motionless as we watched the orchard glow a gray fluorescent color.
-What the hell? -I spat, and began to take slow, cautious steps towards the orchard.
-Be careful, Gerardo, don't go... Ah!" Isaura's heart-rending scream was heard at the end. I turn around and the first thing I see is Agustín, glowing with that fluorescent, gray glow. To the side, lying on the floor, was Isaura, shocked to see her husband looking like that.
Agustin began to approach me, for a moment I thought he was going to attack me so I backed away, but his real intention was to enter the orchard. As we were inside, a whirlwind of bright mist began to rise up into the sky until it was absorbed by the clouds.
Both Isaura and I were petrified looking up, but then I ran inside the house, picked up the phone and called the authorities. The police arrived, shocked by the strange things still in the orchard. At about 7:00 a.m., government officials and scientists arrived to analyze the site.
More than a week has passed and Agustin is still missing. The government authorities have not wanted to reveal anything and cover everything with lies to appease the locals. I have not seen Isaura since she was evicted from her house and placed in another place to continue the investigations. Every day I communicate with her, she says that every night, since Agustín left, she looks at the sky and always glimpses gray flashes coming from the clouds.
Written by @universoperdido. 16 de Febrero del 2022
Escrito por @universoperdido. February 16, 2022
Other publications of my authorship | Otras publicaciones de mi autoría
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