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RE: Why U.S. Elections Shouldn't Use Blockchain Technology

in Politics4 years ago

It's a strategic withdraw. It's my INTJ personality. For right now if unfollowing all of the downvoting trails I was on at makes them happy then I can deal with that. As long as I ignore them I won't be downvoting them by accident.

It's more worth it to me right now to try not to escalate. In order to begin to fight back right now I would have to sell all 2000 ENG tokens I have on my @memehive account along with some ethereum assets to get the Hive to lease on to make up for what I would lose each day of them downvoting me. I plan to start the MemeHive community after the current pandemic ends so I would rather just appease the bullies for now so I can keep to my plans.

If they come back again later for no apparent reason then I'll reevaluate my position. Right now I would rather have the permanent record of the blockchain show I made every reasonable effort to deescalate the situation.