Three Reasons Why I Dumped Three Books by @Annacarstairs


OHola querida comunidad de Hive, hoy vengo hablarles sobre algo que seguramente nos avergüenza como lectores y es sobre los libros que hemos abandonados y aquí tengo 3 libros que por tres razones diferentes abandone, normalmente no soy de hacerlo creo que cualquier libro tiene potencial hasta el final pero no todos tienen el mismo caso, sin más nada que decir comencemos.
Hello dear Hive community, today I come to talk to you about something that surely embarrasses us as readers and that is about the books that we have abandoned and here I have 3 books that for three different reasons I abandoned, normally I am not one to do so I believe that any book has potential until the end but not all have the same case, with nothing more to say let's start.



Por Que No Me Gustó/Because I didn't like it


Buscando a Alaska, la historia va de Miles un chicos de 16 años que se muda a un internado, aquí conoce a Alaska una chica muy diferente a él, quien le dejara una buena lección o simplemente le cambio su vida. De esto es algo que recuerdo muy bien y es que fue el primer libro que abandone porque en realidad no me gusto, hay que me cuestione si de verdad servía para leer porque no llegue a sentí nada con el libro, este fue cuando John Green estaba en la cúspide con “Bajo la Misma Estrella”. Este fue ese libro que abandone por desánimos, hoy en día me pregunto si lo lograría terminar si lo leyera en este momento de mi vida, aunque dudo que lo vuelva a leer pronto.
Looking for Alaska, the story is about Miles, a 16 year old boy who moves to a boarding school, here he meets Alaska, a girl very different from him, who will teach him a good lesson or simply change his life. This is something I remember very well and it was the first book I abandoned because I really didn't like it, I questioned if it was really good to read because I didn't feel anything with the book, this was when John Green was at his peak with "Under the Same Star". This was that book that I abandoned because of discouragement, today I wonder if I would finish it if I read it at this moment of my life, although I doubt that I will read it again soon.


Por Un Bloqueo Lector/For a Reader's Block


Existen muchos libros que no termine por un bloqueo lector ya que esto me sucede mucho cuando he terminado un libro que me ha llenado de muchos sentimiento y emociones y al no encontrar uno que se le asemeje en este sentido lo termino dejando, entre en un periodo donde mi lectura era casi nula y esto fue en la época de cuando culmine la salga principal de Cazadores de Sombras, un grave error es que quise leer en ese momento una saga como la de Rick Riordan, intente leer “Pecy Jackson y El Ladrón del Rayo” y fue una locura, no entendía nada era como que las palabras entrar por los ojos y salieran por lo oídos y nunca llegaran al cerebro, tengo que decir que amo a la mitología griega pero no pude hacer click con la saga en ese momento por mi estado, tal vez llegue a retomar la saga ya que quiero ver la seria que van a sacar de la misma.
There are many books that I did not finish because of a reader's block because this happens to me a lot when I have finished a book that has filled me with many feelings and emotions and not finding one that resembles it in this sense I end up leaving it, I entered a period where my reading was almost null and this was at the time when I finished the main Shadowhunters, a serious mistake is that I wanted to read at that time a saga like the one of Rick Riordan, I tried to read "Pecy Jackson and The Lightning Thief" and it was crazy, I didn't understand anything, it was like the words entered through the eyes and went out through the ears and never reached the brain, I have to say that I love Greek mythology but I couldn't click with the saga at that moment because of my state, maybe I'll pick up the saga again because I want to see the serious that they are going to take out of it.


Por Motivos Fueras de mis Manos/For Reasons Out of My Hands


Heartstopper, realmente llegue a querer leer de sobre manera esta novela gráfica y me la comencé a leer en mi teléfono antigua un J2 prime el cual tenía pero no andaba funcionando bien, un día se me daño y perdí la posibilidad de seguir leyendo y es una verdadera pena, hoy en día tengo un teléfono decente pero no me he querido leer la historia por motivos que me he spoliado media historia gracias a las redes sociales y tanto Hybe que se le ha estado haciendo a la serie. Es sin duda un libro el cual si me terminare ya que me gusto lo que leí y en verdad no quiero que las personas me arruinen eso, ciento que vale mucho la pena.
Heartstopper, I really wanted to read this graphic novel and I started to read it on my old phone a J2 prime which I had but it was not working well, one day it was damaged and I lost the possibility to continue reading and it is a real shame, today I have a decent phone but I have not wanted to read the story for reasons that I have spoliado half story thanks to social networks and so much Hybe that has been done to the series. It is without a doubt a book which I will finish because I liked what I read and I really don't want people to ruin that for me, I think it's worth it.


Estos son mis 3 motivos y un libro por cada motivo, no sé si podría llegar a ser esto un tag, pero si quieren también hablar su experiencia con libros abandonados pueden hacerlo, si bien etiquétenme para leerlo, muchas gracias por leer.
These are my 3 reasons and a book for each reason, I don't know if this could become a tag, but if you also want to talk about your experience with abandoned books you can do it, but tag me to read it, thank you very much for reading.



Not heard of any of these novels before - but I would say, giving up on a novel is all part of the reading experience! Perseverence in a bad story isn't really the purpose of reading is it? Afterall, who wants to get lost in a world where we feel unease?

The John Green one was the most interesting to me, 'The Fault in our Stars' was such a widely pushed release - I remember it being EVERYWHERE and I think that it was a film also. By this virtue, I would have thought I'd seen the Alaska book cover or heard of it before, but Googling now and seeing it seven years earlier, it made me wonder if John Green didn't need those seven years to mature his writing style. Just a wondering.

There is one book in my live I dumped at a certain point: Lord of the Rings - The Return of The King.
My wife read the trilogy before me and when I started the third book in this series, she spoilered it by telling me the ending would be way different then the movie. So when I reached the point where everything was fine and the movie would wrap it all up ion happiness I closed the book and told myself that's it.

So yes, there are (sometimes good) reasons not to finish a book. And sometimes we (the reader) finish the book ourselves 😏