[ESP-ENG] A fan of books since she was a child- Contest #3 All About Readers.

in Hive Book Club2 years ago

Hello to all Hive Book Club members.
User @coquicoin invited me to participate in the Hive Book Club Contest #3 All About Readers.

When I was about 11 years old, I liked to go to one of my paternal aunts' house to visit her. There lived my cousin, who had several books on different subjects.
Sometimes I would get angry with them because I took one of them and they didn't want to lend it to me. But other times they would pass them to me and I was the happiest girl in the world.
I remember being completely mesmerized by Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" or Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis".

I must admit that my tastes as a child were rather strange. Because while the others went off to play with their friends, I preferred to stay reading a book and let my imagination run wild.
Wildlife encyclopedias were my favorite books. I guess the most attractive thing about them was the photographs of the different animals.

Hola a todos los miembros de Hive Book Club.
La usuaria @coquicoin me ha invitado a participar en el Hive Book Club Contest #3 All About Readers.
Cuando tenía unos 11 años, me gustaba ir a casa de una de mis tías paternas a visitarla. Allí vivía mi prima, que tenía varios libros de diferentes temas.
A veces me enfadaba con ellas porque cogía uno de ellos y no me lo querían prestar. Pero otras veces me los pasaban y yo era la niña más feliz del mundo.
Recuerdo haber quedado completamente hipnotizada por "Robinson Crusoe" de Daniel Defoe o "La Metamorfosis" de Franz Kafka.
Debo admitir que mis gustos de niña eran bastante extraños. Porque mientras los demás se iban a jugar con sus amigos, yo prefería quedarme leyendo un libro y dejar volar mi imaginación.
Las enciclopedias de fauna eran mis libros favoritos. Supongo que lo más atractivo de ellas eran las fotografías de los distintos animales.

IMG_20211123_233335 (1).jpg

What is your favorite time or place to read? - ¿Cuál es su momento o lugar favorito para leer?

When I was a child, reading was at any time and place. Obviously over the years that has changed, because of the busyness of everyday life. That's why at present I always like to read at night, just when I go to bed.
On weekends I do it in the afternoon, when everything is quieter at home. Along with a cup of almond milk and my gluten-free snack cookies.

Cuando era niña, la lectura se hacía en cualquier momento y lugar. Evidentemente, con el paso de los años eso ha cambiado, debido al ajetreo de la vida cotidiana. Por eso en la actualidad me gusta leer siempre por la noche, justo cuando me acuesto.
Los fines de semana lo hago por la tarde, cuando todo está más tranquilo en casa. Junto con una taza de leche de almendras y mis galletas de merienda sin gluten.

What makes you enjoy a book? - ¿Qué te hace disfrutar de un libro?

I enjoy a book when the story grabs me completely, I mean the narrative should be interesting, as well as the characters. It should make me feel that even I am being part of the story, as an observer.
Also that the ending is so unexpected that I would never have imagined it.

Disfruto de un libro cuando la historia me atrapa por completo, es decir, la narración debe ser interesante, así como los personajes. Debe hacerme sentir que incluso yo estoy formando parte de la historia, como observadora.
También que el final sea tan inesperado que nunca lo hubiera imaginado.

IMG_20211123_232541.jpg This is the book I am currently reading.
Este es el libro que estoy leyendo actualmente.

Do you like to read outdoors, before bed, or on the bus on your way to work? - ¿Le gusta leer al aire libre, antes de acostarse o en el autobús de camino al trabajo?

Well as I mentioned I like to read at night, when I'm in my bed.
Sometimes I do it outdoors, but I don't like it very much. Since I'm almost always enraptured watching birds or some plant I don't know. At those times the hustle and bustle would not allow me to concentrate on reading either. That's why I prefer the quiet of the evenings.

Bueno como he mencionado me gusta leer por la noche, cuando estoy en mi cama.
A veces lo hago al aire libre, pero no me gusta mucho. Ya que casi siempre estoy embelesada mirando aves o alguna planta que no conozco. En esos momentos el bullicio tampoco me permitiría concentrarme en la lectura. Por eso prefiero la tranquilidad de las tardes.

Do you focus on character development, thoughtful messages, or the level of intrigue a plot generates in you? - ¿Te centras en el desarrollo de los personajes, en los mensajes reflexivos o en el nivel de intriga que te genera una trama?

I'm certainly interested in all three aspects, but the level of intrigue is what I focus on the most.
Little by little you learn about each part of the story, until you get to the climax and you don't want it to end. Because was so wonderful that you hope the writer will make a sequel soon. The intrigue must envelop me in the story, if it doesn't I'd rather put the book down.

But the reflective messages are also important to me, as I stop to think about what the author meant and how wise are the words I use to make the reader think.

Ciertamente me interesan los tres aspectos, pero el nivel de intriga es en lo que más me fijo.
Poco a poco vas conociendo cada parte de la historia, hasta que llegas al clímax y no quieres que termine. Porque ha sido tan maravillosa que esperas que el escritor haga una segunda parte pronto. La intriga debe envolverme en la historia, si no lo hace prefiero dejar el libro.
Pero los mensajes reflexivos también son importantes para mí, ya que me detengo a pensar en lo que quiso decir el autor y en lo sabias que son las palabras que utiliza para hacer pensar al lector.

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I want to invite @soyunasantacruz and @tengolotodo to participate in the contest.

Photographs used are my property.
Banner and separator, created in Canva

Animated social media graphic saludo de cumple para amiga divertido negro y blanco (1).gif


It's so nice to know this about you @jenfletcher you're one good reader from all you've said.

I was attracted to those animal books you posted, I do understand the why you preferred them when you were little.

The other book seem like a book about nature or what is it?

You answered the questions very brilliantly, all the best in the contest dear

It is a book that guides us to spiritual realization, to self-inquiry.
Thank you for reading my publication 😊

Una persona se puede conocer a través de su escritura y creo que ya conozco una parte de ti, lo suficiente para saber que eres una persona coherente y auténtica, eres ambientalista amante de los animales un amor que debió nacer de la lectura a temprana edad sobre animales y naturaleza.

Hace años leí ese libro que presentas, espero que sigas disfrutando de tu gusto por la lectura, gracias por la invitación ya tenia preparada mi publicación mi linda pero la editare para mencionar que tú me has invitado,muchas gracias. @jenfletcher

A person can be known through their writing and I think I already know a part of you, enough to know that you are a coherent and authentic person, you are an environmentalist and an animal lover, a love that must have been born from reading about animals and nature at an early age.

Years ago I read that book you present, I hope you continue to enjoy your love of reading, thanks for the invitation I already had my post ready my linda but I will edit it to mention that you invited me, thank you very much. @jenfletcher

Las enciclopedias de fauna eran mis libros favoritos. Supongo que lo más atractivo de ellas eran las fotografías de los distintos animales.

Creo no habría esperado otra cosa diferente de la Juany niña. ;) Gracias por compartir tus gustos de lectura 🤗

Jajaja si era como un poco obvio. Al final solo lo escribí por usted, ya que no me hubiese enterado de esta concurso si no me invitaba.
Lamentablemente a veces me pierdo cosas bien interesantes. No conozco a casi a nadie en Hive, que me recomiende comunidades.

Estaré pendiente de recomendarte las iniciativas que creo pudieran interesarte. Saludos!

I don't think your taste was strange as a child, rather it was very different.

When I was younger, I think my favorite books were the Guinness book of records, I used to spend so much time on them so I understand where you were coming from.

Since we didn't do what everyone does as kids, it feels strange. But you're right, there's nothing weird about it. We were just different, little people with other tastes.
Regards 😊

Well your cousins needs to be flogged for always keeping a book away from a bibliophile... Hehehehe

It great that they started letting you gain access to them. And your readings have developed over the year, including time, place, and other relatable factors.

It is nice to get to know the reader in you :) It is indeed challenging to read outside especially when there are many wonderful things to see. I share your thoughts on what you focus on when reading. The level of intrigue and message the author wants to convey :)

🥳🥳🥳 for one more member of the reading in bed community.
I'm just like you as a child because even I chose to be alone and read as a child rather than go hang out with the other kids and good thing your cousins where nice enough to share their books with you (sometimes) 😊 beautiful entry and good luck on the contest.

I like that your uniqueness even as a child shined forth in choosing to read while others went about doing other things.

I also nibble on a pack of juice and some biscuits while reading. I notice reading makes me have food cravings.

Lovely written post @jenfletcher

También me gusta leer comiendo algún bocadillo, lo disfruto mucho. Ciertamente, las ocupaciones del día, a veces, imposibilitan las lecturas matutinas y vespertinas, es en esas ocasiones que leer de noche representa una buena opción. Hay muchos estudios que validan los beneficios de las lecturas nocturnas, el problema para mí era amanecer y no tener el adecuado descanso para enfrentar todas las vicisitudes de la mañana siguiente. Un gusto saludarte.

I also like to read while eating a sandwich, I really enjoy it. Certainly, daytime activities sometimes make morning and evening readings impossible; it is on those occasions that reading at night is a good option. There are many studies that validate the benefits of night reading, the problem for me was dawn and not having adequate rest to face all the vicissitudes of the next morning. A pleasure to greet.